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News / Interview of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chai...

Interview of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the Turkish Television Channel

The Director of the TRT Haber Information Channel Ahmed Görmez talked to Hero-Arkadag

“Your Excellency National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, dear Arkadag! First of all, let me express my gratitude for finding the time for our interview in your very busy work schedule.

“You, being a prominent politician and statesman, invariably highlight the importance of cooperation among the Turkic states. What does this imply, and in what way do you see this cooperation, its prospects and the role of Turkmenistan in this process?”

“Thank you for the invitation to meet. It is very pleasant to talk to you, the director of the TRT Haber news channel with a multimillion audience that is reputable not only in Türkiye, but also outside it. This is a wonderful opportunity to express our opinion on key issues of domestic and international life and explain in detail our position on relations among the Turkic states.

“Multifaceted interaction among the countries of the Turkic world has been formed historically, that is, thanks to the common language, culture and national identity, the interlinked destiny over the centuries, as I have said on many occasions.

“The Turkic peoples have one root, and this fact fills our relationships with a special substantial content. We became an independent and sovereign state, but we do not forget the commonality of long-term goals and interests and are aware of the permanent convergence of our positions in the context of the history, present and future of the Turkic peoples.

“For this reason, we are aware of the need to strengthen cooperation in all areas – politics, economy, culture and interpersonal relations.

“In my opinion, one of the urgent tasks is to restore the role of the Turkic peoples as a cultural bridge between the East and the West.

“In the Middle Ages, and much earlier, it was called the “Turkic belt”, which served as a “meeting point” for Asia and Europe. This circumstance had a positive effect on the development of the economy, culture and science in two parts of the world, led to the manifestation of openness, tolerance and benevolence towards other peoples and allowed finding a common language.

“One of the most promising vectors for Turkmenistan that takes an active part in the activities of the Organisation of Turkic States as an observer is to strengthen the bonds of friendship, brotherhood and mutually beneficial ties with the states of the Turkic world. In this context, its membership in the Council of Elders is of particular importance.

“We are also ready to cooperate with the subdivisions of the Organisation. Recently, the Turkmen side has applied for the membership in the Union of Turkic Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We are also considering joining the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States and the Turkic Academy.

“Thus, Turkmenistan is consistently and confidently intensifying its active part in key areas of partnerships among the countries of the Turkic world.”

“I would like to know your vision of the role of the Organisation of Turkic States in the modern system of international relations in the context of its activities, what is it?”

“I believe that this Organisation has two but common goals, and I view it as a structure aimed at cementing the bonds of friendship and brotherhood and fostering close economic and cultural dialogue among the Turkic states on the basis of mutual benefit, on the one hand, and on the other, as the most a promising and reliable international partner.

“These are two, but common goals as I already said.

“By promoting the interests of the above-mentioned countries on the world arena, the Organisation of Turkic States contributes to strengthening cooperation within the Turkic community and increasing the economic development and competitiveness of its members.

“Today we are facing the major long-term tasks, namely: to ensure full involvement in the accelerated transformation processes in the global geo-economy, to use our capacities to strengthen our positions, to be at the forefront in the modern innovative and digital environment and to join the global ‘green agenda’.

“As for the goals of constructive policy – the maintenance of peace, security and stability, the protection of equality and mutual respect and adherence to the provisions of international law and the UN Charter, we must use our authority, our influence and our experience.

“The priorities also include the worldwide promotion of Turkic culture, the rich historical, cultural and humanitarian heritage of our peoples and the achievements of Turkic writers, musicians, artists and filmmakers.

“This year’s celebration of the 300th birth anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy – an outstanding son of our people and a representative of the Turkic world, who glorified the imperishable values and traits of the Turkic peoples such as patriotism, devotion to family hearth, respect for traditions and customs, military valour and integrity in his works, provides an excellent opportunity in this regard.

“This significant date is being celebrated very solemnly in the Turkic states. We highly appreciate it and are grateful to the governments for their support and to the International Organisation of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) for the decision to declare 2024 the Year of Magtymguly Pyragy.

“In general, we consider it appropriate to scale the programmes and projects implemented on the TURKSOY platform and more actively promote them on the international arena.”

“Our interview is taking place on the eve of the next meeting of the Council of Elders of the Organisation of Turkic States, and in this regard, I would like to know your opinion, what is the main task of this body?”

“I believe that the Council of Elders is a very important and necessary body, which was set up within the Organisation of Turkic States for a good reason.

“It is tasked to maintain continuity and to expand the wonderful age-old tradition of the peoples of the Turkic world – to seek advice from the older generation, to be guided by their wisdom and extensive life experience. The adherence to this tradition has helped our peoples find the right answer many times.

“In this context, the role of elders is of great importance today and is a key factor in government affairs. Therefore, I believe that the activities of the Council of Elders will expand and progress, and its authority will grow in the future.

“The voice of the Council of Elders should be decisive in such matters as the development of the pedagogical and educational policies, based on high spiritual and moral values and a sense of pride in the national history, within the Organisation of Turkic States.

“The Council of Elders is called upon to strengthen the humanitarian ties of our peoples, to promote friendly relations, solidarity and mutual assistance and to contribute to public diplomacy and inter-parliamentary cooperation.

“Such activity of elders receive state support in Turkmenistan. The Council of Elders is part of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan.

“This body takes an active part in making important government decisions and developing strategic areas of the domestic and foreign policies of our state. In a word, we have well-established practice in this matter, and we are ready to share it as part of joint work with the Council of Elders of the Organisation of Turkic States.”

“How would you characterise the current stage in the life of Turkmenistan from the point of view of internal development and foreign policy?”

“It should be noted that we were able to generate the factors in ensuring the consistent implementation of the state socioeconomic development programmes and plans.

“Certainly, the main factors are internal stability, social unity, the stability of political and social institutions and people’s faith in them.

“Turkmenistan met 2024 with good indicators amidst global economic instability. Gross domestic product grew by over 6 per cent last year.

“We are successfully implementing the Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of the Country for 2022–2052. Over the past 15 years, the demographic growth is 2 million people, and this vividly illustrates the social wellbeing and confidence of the people in their future.

“Despite the difficult international situation, our country consistently adheres to the status of neutrality set forth in the Conception of Foreign Policy and contributes to fulfilling such strategic tasks as maintaining global peace, security and stability and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

“I would like to note that such a position of Turkmenistan is finding increasing support in international organisations, including the United Nations. Over 20 countries have joined our initiative to create a Group of Friends of Neutrality within the Community of Nations.

“The General Assembly unanimously adopted two resolutions in support of the status of neutrality of Turkmenistan, which demonstrates the growing understanding among international organisations of our proposals for addressing complex problems through neutrality.

“I would also like to note the broad support of Turkmenistan’s initiatives on sustainable transport, energy security, ecology, health protection and other issues.

“In recent years only, the United Nations General Assembly has supported and unanimously adopted 25 initiatives put forward by Turkmenistan.

“I would also like to say about the promotion of relations with the Turkic states, which serve as an example of true brotherhood, good neighbourliness, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation, which we highly value. In the future, we will build up and expand them in the name of the fundamental interests, wellbeing and peaceful and sustainable development of our peoples.”

“A few words about relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Türkiye, please!”

“Our relations are exemplary, and both countries are seeking to strengthen political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties.

“I am grateful to my dear brother, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for his close attention and efforts to promote the bilateral relations and for his truly significant contribution to expanding cooperation in all areas. The recent conferment of the honorary title ‘Türkmenistanyň Hormatly il ýaşulusy’ on President Recep Tayyip Erdogan by the President of Turkmenistan serves as recognition of his merits.

“Turkmenistan and Türkiye actively and constructively cooperate in foreign policy and support each other within international organisations.

“Our countries – the staunch supporters of the policy of global peace and security, make a huge contribution to the constructive development of regional processes.

“Today, Turkmenistan- Türkiye cooperation is a key factor in creating sustainable energy and transport corridors along the East-West route and building new constructive logistics partnerships in Eurasia.

“The bilateral trade and economic ties are also growing at an accelerated pace. Our bilateral trade exceeded $2.236 billion last year.

“Turkish companies have long been working effectively in the construction, energy, transport and industrial sectors of our country.

“Our countries also foster cultural and humanitarian dialogue. Cultural workers and artists form the two countries are frequent participants in various events held in Turkmenistan and Türkiye. In November 2023, we hosted the Days of Turkish Culture.

“However, there are categories that cannot be expressed in numbers. This is a feeling of involvement in each other’s fate, which strengthens fraternal ties and brings our peoples closer together. It is the forerunner of relations that have been established between Turkmenistan and Türkiye and will continue in the future.

“Taking this opportunity, I extend my best wishes for peace, wellbeing and prosperity to the brotherly Turkish people.”

“Dear National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag, thank you for the interview.”

“I would also like to thank you for this meeting and wish you every success in your creative work! Thank you!”
