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News / World Bicycle Day – the Festival of Health, Sport and Friend...

World Bicycle Day – the Festival of Health, Sport and Friendship

President of Turkmenistan Takes Part in a Mass Bicycle Ride

Following the good tradition, our country widely celebrated World Bicycle Day. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in a mass bicycle ride, which was held in the capital to mark this international holiday that took a rightful place in the United Nations calendar.

The Resolution on World Bicycle Day, initiated by National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was unanimously adopted at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in 2018. The establishment of this date testifies to the high evaluation and recognition of Turkmenistan’s contribution to promoting the sport, physical culture and health movement and establishing the ecological worldview and the principles of a healthy lifestyle in society at the national level and globally.

In 2022, the Resolution “Integration of mass cycling into public transport systems to achieve sustainable development” was adopted at the proposal of our country by consensus at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The environmental aspect of the state policy of Turkmenistan is interrelated with the socioeconomic component and integrated into the large-scale programmes and infrastructure projects implemented in the Motherland. Great importance is attached to the popularisation and promotion of sports, which in our country is gaining more and more adherents, which is one of the bright trends of the new historical era. The traditions of holding large-scale sports actions on a regular basis, including bicycle rides, established by the Hero-Arkadag, are now maintained in the comprehensive strategy of Arkadagly Hero Serdar.

The President of Turkmenistan notes that sport, uniting and inspiring, is called upon to serve to strengthen global peace and friendly relations among states and nations. Sports diplomacy is one of the actively developing aspects of the foreign policy of our state that is increasingly becoming the venue for major sporting events. To do so, Turkmenistan has all the necessary conditions. The country has a modern infrastructure that provides optimal opportunities for practicing various sports, conducting an effective training process, improving the skills of athletes, training qualified specialists and organising and staging national and international sports competitions.

As for the bicycle, it, being popular sports equipment, is rightfully recognised as the most eco-friendly mode of transport and an excellent means of useful leisure activities. In a word, it illustrates the obvious relationship between sport, ecology and health.

One of the attractions of Ashgabat is the Monument to Bicycle, located at the intersection of Chandybil Avenue and Bekreve Street, where the route of the festive bike ride begins. The participants included children from of the Döwletliler Kösgi Palace, the Olympic school and secondary schools, members of the Turkmenistan cycling team, students and representatives of the public organisations.

Everyone greeted President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with great enthusiasm.

Artists and cultural workers performed in the music and choreographic composition glorifying the beloved prosperous Motherland and its remarkable achievements, including successes in sports.

The President gave a start to the mass bicycle ride and led a column of participants who began moving along the route running along Chandybil Avenue and Bitarap Turkmenistan Avenue.

Implementing a comprehensive and science-based environmental strategy, Turkmenistan stands for joining efforts of the world community to address pressing global problems and takes concrete steps in this area. The initiatives, put forward by our country, are gaining recognition and support on the international arena.

Over many centuries, the Turkmen people have developed the national traditions of caring for nature, living in harmony with it and striving to turn the native land into a blooming garden. Green spaces in the capital and throughout the country have expanded as a result of the annual tree planting campaigns. The manmade forest areas and parks, adorning our cities and villages, have a beneficial effect on the environment and the local microclimate.

…The column of the participants in the bicycle raid, headed by the President of Turkmenistan, moved along the spacious highways of Ashgabat. The freshness and coolness of the morning, the invigorating air, the picturesque landscape of the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains and the magnificent panorama of the white-marble capital of Turkmenistan inspire and invigorate.

Ashgabat, which, in accordance with its high status, is the centre of the political, business, cultural and social life of Turkmenistan, has also turned into a recognised sports centre. A visible symbol of the state policy in this area is the Olympic Village in the capital, a multifunctional sports complex, the structure of which includes an indoor cycling track that meets international standards in all respects. It should also be noted that the tennis complex of the Olympic Village is recognised by the Asian Tennis Federation as the Training Centre of Asia, as evidenced by the corresponding certificate.

In recent years, the main city of the country has hosted numerous major regional and international sporting events. The decision to declare Ashgabat the City of New Sports Opportunities of the Commonwealth, adopted at the meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Government, which took place in Ashgabat on May 24, opens up new prospects for fruitful cooperation in this field.

The performances of artistic groups and athletes along the route added bright colours to the festive atmosphere.

It should be noted that young citizens of Turkmenistan participate actively and with great enthusiasm in mass sports actions in our country.

The participants of the cycling marathon, which was organised for the first time in Turkmenistan along the Mary–Tejen–Ashgabat section of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat highway, joined in this year’s bicycle ride. Its length was 335 kilometres. The members of the national cycling team took part in the marathon that was held in four stages. The final destination was the Monument to Bicycle in Ashgabat.

As always, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov demonstrated excellent physical fitness during the bicycle ride, setting a bright example for his compatriots and, first of all, youth.

Raising a physically strong, spiritually rich and harmoniously developed younger generation is a state policy priority of the Motherland in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State. In this context, the involvement of young citizens of Turkmenistan in regular physical activity and sports is one of the major tasks.

It is also noteworthy that, according to scientific research, such activities not only strengthen health and immunity, but also stimulate intellectual development. Systematic training and physical exercises have a beneficial effect on a person’s wellbeing and emotional state, harden character and contribute to the development of qualities such as diligence, determination, discipline, willpower and self-confidence. As a result, performance increases and creative thinking is stimulated. In general, this creates a positive attitude and helps people to fully discover and realise their potential.

As for the bike itself, it is a truly versatile simulator for maintaining good physical shape. Riding it is an effective way to harden, to prevent many diseases and to simultaneously strengthen various muscle groups. This is an excellent workout for almost all vital systems of the human body and, moreover, an effective antistress.

By the way, modern cycling is very diverse. Along with his classic disciplines – road and track racing, cyclocross, etc. – spectacular sports such as mountain biking, freestyle cycling, bike trial and acrobatic riding are becoming more and more popular in the world. Figure skating and ball-playing competitions are also held on bicycles. In addition, cycling is part of competitions in triathlon. This opens up a wide range of destinations for anyone who wants to do this sport.

Cycling and bike riding are an excellent leisure activity, with family or in the company of friends. The advantage of bicycle is that it is affordable to people of all ages, reliable and easy to ride. It can be used to spend time usefully and with pleasure in the fresh air at any time of the year.

Currently, the number of people choosing this eco-friendly mode of transport for various trips, for example, to and from work, is increasing. Cycling tourism grows in popularity, which allows you to make exciting trips, to gain new experiences, to broaden your horizons and to admire the beauty of nature.

In this regard, it should be noted that Turkmenistan, famous for its historical, cultural and natural attractions, has a great tourism potential. The centre of attraction for numerous foreign guests is Ashgabat that impresses with the monumentality and originality of its architectural ensemble. An adornment of the Turkmen capital is well-groomed parks and public gardens, bright flower beds and fountains that give invigorating coolness on hot summer days.

This year marked by the 300th anniversary of the great Turkmen poet and thinker, the motto of which is “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”, the Magtymguly Pyragy cultural and park complex, located in its south of Ashgabat and inaugurated with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on May 17, is a new attraction of Ashgabat.

The majestic monument to Magtymguly Pyragy has been erected on the territory of the complex, which organically fits into the picturesque natural landscape of the Kopetdag foothills. It is also noteworthy that there is an alley, where monuments to famous creative figures representing different countries and peoples are installed. This is a visible symbol of such enduring universal values as friendship, brotherhood, good neighbourliness and hospitality, sung in the immortal works of Magtymguly Pyragy. And, of course, the new cultural and park complex will become one of the most visited places, attracting both Turkmen and foreign guests.

Along the way, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov asked the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamammedov, who is in charge of the capital, about the progress of work in the city. The Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers informed the President about the measures being taken to beautify and improve Ashgabat and to maintain environmental wellbeing and about the progress of construction work.

Focusing on the conception of the development of Ashgabat, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered the issues of improving the urban infrastructure, keeping the parks and public gardens neat and clean and creating a comfortable living environment and opportunities for doing sports be under strict control. In this context, the President emphasised the importance of the environmental aspect of the entire ongoing work.

The President of Turkmenistan covered the distance and finished at the final point – the Ruhiyet Palace.

There the President bade a warm farewell to the participants in the mass sports and environmental action marking World Bicycle Day, wished everyone good health and every success and left the venue.

The festive bike ride became another evidence and symbol of the unity and cohesion of our society and the adherence of the Turkmen people to a healthy lifestyle and imperishable humanistic values.

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To mark World Bicycle Day, mass bike rides were organised in Arkadag City and all the regions of the country.

Thematic conferences, roundtable meetings, tournaments, performances and friendly matches in various sports involving young athletes and students took place throughout Turkmenistan to mark the remarkable date.

The Turkmenistan Track Cycling Tournament took place in the Ashgabat Olympic Village. Cyclists competed in the 200m time trial, individual time trial, 500m and 750m individual pursuit and team sprint. The remarkable sporting events included a cycling marathon involving the national cycling team.
