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News / A Single Ring Energy System has Been Created in Turkmenistan

A Single Ring Energy System has Been Created in Turkmenistan

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov Participates in the Celebrations to Mark the Commissioning of New Electric Power Facilities

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the Dashoguz Velayat, where he took part in the celebrations to mark the commissioning of the new Balkan–Dashoguz high-voltage power transmission line and two 500 kilovolt power substations each built along this route as part of the project to create a unified energy ring of the country.

The significant event of the year “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy” became an important chapter in the history of the development of the domestic electric power industry, which rightfully plays a key role in strengthening the might of the national economy and the successful implementation of the state programmes in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State.

In recent years, large-scale work has been carried out in the country to radically modernise and strengthen the material and technical base of this key area and to form a reliable energy system that allows not only to fully provide domestic consumers, but also to constantly increase the volume and to expand the geography of electricity exports.

Thus, modern gas turbine power plants, supplied with advanced equipment from well-known world manufacturers, high-voltage power transmission lines and power distribution substations have been built in all parts of the Motherland, and the energy supply system of the capital, other cities and towns has been updated.

In order to ensure the optimal operation of internal power grids and the redistribution of electricity in the right direction, if necessary, the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag initiated a large-scale project to create a unified ring energy system of the country.

The power ring should ensure the reliability of the domestic power grid through mutual redundancy between the power systems of the velayats and Ashgabat, so that it is possible to repair and modernise power units, electrical substations and power transmission lines without detriment to consumers.

An increase in the reserve of energy capacities will make it possible to uninterruptedly supply electricity, produced at the country’s power plants, to domestic consumers, and the excess part – abroad, primarily to neighbouring countries.

The first stage in the implementation of this project of both national and international importance was the construction of a high-voltage overhead power transmission line along the Ahal-Balkan route, which was successfully launched in October 2021.

In November 2023, the Mary–Ahal power line was put into operation, the construction of which was completed in a short time.

And on Wednesday, the third link of the country’s energy ring, the new Balkan–Dashoguz high-voltage power transmission line, was put into operation.

In the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s plane arrived at Dashoguz International Airport, from where the head of state drove to the place of the solemn ceremony.

The Head of State walked into a hall specially designed for the solemn ceremony.

Speaking to the audience, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that day a high-voltage power transmission line and power substations along the Balkan–Dashoguz route were being put into operation in the Dashoguz velayat in order to unite the energy system operating in the country into a single ring.

“Today, the solemn commissioning of modern residential buildings erected in the city of Dashoguz of the Dashoguz Velayat will also take place. Today, 200 new and modern passenger buses will be donated, which will allow providing high-quality services to the population of the Dashoguz Velayat,” the head of state said, cordially congratulating everyone on this significant event.

It was noted that in accordance with the country’s energy policy, work is underway to reliably and uninterruptedly supply electricity to domestic consumers, to diversify the supply of Turkmen electricity to foreign consumers, to create new energy capacities, to improve the technical condition of distribution systems and to unite the existing national energy system into a single ring.

In the modern era, Turkmenistan continues the large-scale work initiated by the Hero-Arkadag on the development of the electric power sector.

Based on the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052” and the Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022–2028, work on the development of the energy sector is successfully being carried out.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed, in accordance with the Programmes, it was planned to transfer the existing power plants in the country to a combined cycle and to build new combined power plants.

Currently, a combined power plant with a capacity of 1,574 megawatts is being built in the Turkmenbashi etrap of the Balkan Velayat.

In order to increase the volume and routes of supplies of Turkmen energy carriers to foreign countries, the project for the construction of the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan power transmission line is being successfully implemented.

In accordance with the requirements of the time, the material and technical base of the electric power industry is being strengthened. Modern technologies are being introduced into production, and the volume of electricity produced is consistently increasing.

The commissioning of the Centre for Repair and Maintenance of Power Equipment in the Byuzmeyin etrap of the city of Ashgabat has opened up wide opportunities for the smooth operation of power plants.

The country pays great attention to the production of renewable energy resources. The construction of a multi-purpose solar and wind power plant in the Balkan velayat, which would provide environmentally friendly electricity to new, modern villages under construction in the region, had entered the final stage, Arkadagly Hero Serdar continued, noting that large-scale work on the use of renewable energy sources would continue in our independent country.

In his speech, the head of state noted that in order to distribute the country’s energy capacities among regions and to achieve the optimal functioning of power transmission lines, the task of creating a ring system had been set. In this direction, effective work has been carried out.

As a result of the tireless work of Turkmen energy builders, the construction of the Ahal–Balkan section, which is the first stage of this project, was completed in 2021. The second stage of the project, the Mary–Ahal section, was commissioned in 2023.

In the year “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”, the third stage of this project was completed, in particular, the Balkan–Dashoguz section was commissioned. Also, within the framework of this stage, Balkan and Daşoguz electric substations with a voltage of 500 kilovolts each were built.

“The implementation of the project to unite the energy system operating in the country into a single ring is a significant event in the history of the energy industry of independent Turkmenistan,” President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised.With the successful implementation of that project, a single ring energy system had been formed in the country, which would facilitate the uninterrupted supply of electricity to domestic consumers and the supply of electricity to foreign countries from various parts of our country, the head of state said, expressing heartfelt gratitude to the hardworking Turkmen energy builders for the successful implementation of this significant project.

Addressing the participants of the celebration, the President of Turkmenistan stressed the consistent improvement of the social and living standards of the people was one of the main tasks. Programmatic work is being carried out in this direction. Modern and comfortable residential buildings and social facilities are being put into operation.

In the new residential buildings erected in the city of Dashoguz in the Dashoguz velayat, all conditions for comfortable living have been created. In the future, the ongoing programme activities to improve the social and living standards of the people will be continued.

After cordially congratulating once again on the commissioning of the Balkan–Dashoguz high-voltage power transmission line and new power substations and, in this regard, on the unification of the country’s existing energy system into a single ring and the commissioning of a new complex of residential buildings and the donation of modern passenger buses, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished the audience good health, family wellbeing and every success in their activities.

Then, a specially shot video was shown on a large monitor with a presentation of substations, used for converting and distributing electricity, and a new overhead power transmission line that connected the Dashoguz and Balkan velayats.

It is noteworthy that all the work on laying the Balkan–Dashoguz transmission line with a total length of 572 km was carried out by domestic energy builders who have accumulated a great experience over the years of state independence.

The route, passing through the Karakum Desert, imposed special requirements on the quality of the work performed. Thanks to the Government’s assistance, construction and installation work on the site was completed in a short time.

The construction of the Balkan and Daşoguz electric substations with a voltage of 500 kilovolts each and the high-voltage power line connecting them, marked the completion of the final stage of the construction of the unified ring energy system of the country.

At the end of watching the video, the floor was given to foreign guests, who presented the Minister of Energy of Turkmenistan with international certificates confirming the high quality of equipment and work on the construction of a single ring power system.

The first speaker was the Chief Adviser of the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Technology of Energy Systems (Federal Republic of Germany), Professor, Dr Harald Apel.

Expressing deep gratitude for the invitation to take part in that day’s significant event, the guest stressed the successful construction of the high-voltage power transmission line and substations in the difficult conditions of the Karakum Desert was evidence that industry workers had honourably coped with the responsible tasks assigned to them.

Presenting the certificate confirming the high quality of the equipment used in the construction of the ring energy system, Harald Apel wished the President of Turkmenistan every success in his large-scale activity to promote energy diplomacy.

Bernd Reinhold Rosin, senior lecturer at University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany), thanked for the opportunity to take part in that day’s celebration, expressed admiration for the achievements of independent Turkmenistan, successfully implementing such large-scale projects, and proudly presented a certificate confirming the high efficiency of the engineering work carried out to create a ring power system.

Then the floor was given to the Regional Director of the DEKRA Institute (Germany), Ms Julia Otto.

Thanking for the invitation to visit Turkmenistan and to take part in the ceremony, the guest stressed the news about the creation of a ring energy system in independent Turkmenistan had aroused great interest from the German research Institute DEKRA, a member of the Energy Charter, paying special attention to the quality of technologies used at energy facilities under construction around the world.

Presenting a certificate confirming the high-tech and safety of substations in the ring power grid, Julia Otto addressed wishes of good health and long life to the Head of Turkmenistan.

After leaving the meeting room at the end of the official part of the ceremony, the head of state handed the keys to the new buses, presented to the residents of the northern region on the occasion of this significant event, to the hyakim of the Dashoguz Velayat.

Expressing sincere gratitude on behalf of the happy residents of the velayat for the new modern buses presented, the hyakim of the Dashoguz velayat addressed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag, wishes for good health, longevity and every success in all endeavours for the benefit of the people and the Motherland.

In a solemn atmosphere, to the loud applause of the audience, the head of state cut the symbolic ribbon.

Arkadagly Hero Serdar headed to the launching point of the substations and new overhead power line with a voltage of 500 kilovolts.

On the way, the head of state inspected the modern equipment installed at the Daşoguz electrical substation.

The head of state also acquainted himself with the results of the measures taken to modernise the domestic electric power industry.

Then the President of Turkmenistan was greeted by a young employee who spoke about the unified ring energy system created in the country.

On behalf of the country’s power engineers, deep gratitude was expressed to Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag for their constant attention to the development of the electric power industry and care for its workers.

At the same time, as part of the festive celebrations, song and music performances by masters of the arts unfolded in the Bereket etrap of the Balkan velayat.

A young employee from the western region addressed the head of state via the digital system with a request to bless the launch of the new Balkan–Dashoguz power transmission line and substations built along this route.

On behalf of all industry workers, the head of state expressed deep gratitude for the construction of high-voltage power lines and the creation of all conditions for the implementation of the extremely important project, the implementation of which allowed Turkmenistan to be among the first Central Asian countries to create a single ring energy system that would increase the reliability of energy supply to consumers.

The culmination came – by pressing a button, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov started the operation of the new overhead power transmission line and two power substations.

The screen immediately displayed the process of their connection to the unified energy system of Turkmenistan.

Thus, the commissioning of the new important facilities in the electric power industry – the Balkan–Dashoguz 500-volt power transmission line and two power substations – marked the successful completion of the grandiose project to create a single energy ring, which has become another manmade symbol of the economic power of independent and neutral Turkmenistan.

At the end of the celebration, the head of state warmly said goodbye to the participants of the ceremony and left the venue of the event.
