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News / Working Visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, ...

Working Visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen People, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan to the City of Arkadag

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the city of Arkadag, where he acquainted himself with the projects of facilities for various purposes, planned for construction during the second stage of construction of the new city, and with samples of the decorative finishing of buildings. Along with this, the Hero-Arkadag conducted a working meeting at the headquarters of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship.

Given the fact that as part of the implementation of the second stage of development of the new city, the construction of industrial complexes is mainly planned, special importance is attached to the introduction of modern scientific achievements into the work. In this context, the preservation of its architectural look and favourable ecological environment are identified among the important tasks of the urban planning programme of the city of Arkadag.

In the morning, the Hero-Arkadag arrived in the city of Arkadag, built in the beautiful place at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains, where he acquainted himself with the projects of facilities for various purposes planned for construction as part of the second stage of the new city. The Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov and Arkadag Hyakim G. Mammedova reported on the features of the developed projects and on the facilities proposed for construction.

Among them are projects for the design of the children’s park in the city of Arkadag and the Saglyk Square, including sculptures that will be installed in them, and the renovation of streets between the monuments to Akhan and Polatly, a diagram of the areas proposed for bypassing the Ashgabat–Geoktepe highway, samples of the decoration of buildings and road transport infrastructure, drawings of division into sections of the museum and the layout of sites of the construction of a medical cluster.

After reviewing the projects presented, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a number of comments and made appropriate adjustments.

In this regard, ensuring the construction of facilities at a high-quality level and maintaining environmental standards and, in general, the attractiveness of the new city were identified as important tasks.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the design of public gardens and types of the fencing of their territories and the creation of favourable conditions for recreation there, in particular, issues related to the mass planting of seedlings and the care of previously planted trees.

The Honoured Architect of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag emphasised the importance of finishing work on social facilities being built in the new city, especially the museum. The design of each building must correspond to its purpose.

Work, performed in the city of Arkadag, must be carried out at the proper level and in accordance with international standards. It is necessary to introduce a digital system and high technologies into the activities of production complexes. In this regard, every effort should be made to ensure environmental wellbeing in the new city and to achieve harmony of the architectural look of the city with the environment and nature. In this context, special attention should be paid to the planting of numerous seedlings in the city and its environs, street lighting systems, types of fencing of sites and along roads and their modern design, the Hero-Arkadag said.

The Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov said decorative materials were made after studying göls, carpet patterns and carpet products, which are described in the book of the Hero-Arkadag Heavenly Beauty.

Ensuring the high quality and accelerating the pace of construction work at the sites of the new city is the top priority today. Thus, it was necessary to take a responsible approach both to the construction of industrial complexes important for the socioeconomic development of the city of Arkadag and to their equipment and design, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty noted.

The Hyakim of Arkadag City G. Mammedova reported that, along with the measures taken to improve the city, issues related to improving the quality of life of the population were always in view. Arkadag City is a striking example of the economic power of the country, and the work carried out there is fully consistent with the high indicators of the development programme of this first “smart” city in our Motherland.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people stressed that when carrying out work within the second stage of the city’s development, all modern construction and technical requirements must be observed, including the deadlines for commissioning of buildings and the high quality of materials used in their construction and finishing, giving a number of specific instructions in this regard.

Then the Hero-Arkadag conducted a working meeting with the participation of the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov and Arkadag Hyakim G. Mammedova. First of all, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated everyone on International Children’s Day and instructed to ensure a high level of the organisation of events planned in the new city.

During the working meeting, reports were heard on the celebrations to mark International Children’s Day in the city of Arkadag, a mass bike ride timed to coincide with World Bicycle Day to take place on June 3, the programme of the Week of Culture, held for the first time in the city of Arkadag, and the progress of work in those directions.

The hyakim of the city of Arkadag, on behalf of numerous residents, addressed the National Leader of the Turkmen people with a request to establish a new carpet enterprise there.

The Hero-Arkadag emphasised that proposal was a positive start. With the approval of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, it is advisable to build a carpet enterprise in the new city. Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that the exemplary Turkmen carpets woven by the needlewomen of that enterprise would continue the traditions of the art of carpet weaving, and, at the same time, new jobs would be created there.

The Hero-Arkadag stressed the Geoktepe artistic carpet weaving factory, built after the 1920s, had become one of the leading enterprises in the country, where our craftswomen had woven wonderful carpets. There, numerous carpet weavers and home-based craftswomen worked hard, giving a new look to ancient patterns and making a worthy contribution to the development of the national carpet art.

Numerous carpets from this enterprise participated in exhibitions and were awarded prizes, including carpets with the “al nagyş” ornament, depicting the National Emblem, portraits of outstanding historical figures and glorifying the beauty of Turkmen nature.

It should be noted that a large number of artistic carpets were exported to other countries, and in 2002, at a carpet competition held by UNESCO in Turkmenistan, a carpet with the “al nagyş” ornament took a prize.

As the Hero-Arkadag noted, the art of weaving Turkmen carpets was a school of education, rooted in millennia. In this context, it is advisable to introduce special handicraft classes for girls in secondary schools. The development of artistic carpet weaving and the production of felts is one of the important tasks of our time. Carpets and carpet products are the main decoration of Turkmen holidays. These measures will ensure the continuity of ancestral traditions.

During the working meeting, it was noted that among the facilities of the second stage of the development of the new city, the construction of medical cluster buildings was planned. In addition, information was provided on their equipment and the types of medicines that would be produced from local raw materials.

Noting that the world market was showing great interest in the local raw materials available in the country and the medical products made from them, Doctor Arkadag gave a number of instructions to carry out activities in this direction in accordance with modern requirements and on a scientific basis.

Concluding the working meeting on organisational issues in the city of Arkadag, the National Leader of the Turkmen people wished its participants every success in solving the tasks set.

Then the Hero-Arkadag arrived at the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre to review the activities of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship.

At the headquarters located at the Centre, Arkadag conducted a working meeting with the participation of the Vice-President of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship R. Bazarov and the Director General of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre M. Okuzova.

First of all, Doctor Arkadag congratulated everyone on International Children’s Day, which is widely celebrated in the country, and wished them every success in their noble work.

It was noted that the tasks, arising from the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052”, are aimed at making the city of Arkadag one of the environmentally friendly and most beautiful cities in the world and at improving the standard of living of the people. In this regard, the health of the younger generation and its harmonious development are in the centre of attention of the state.

During the working meeting, it was reported that, at the expense of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship, the most modern medical equipment had been installed at multidisciplinary hospitals of the velayats, and work in that direction continued. It was also reported that, at the expense of the Foundation, the International Mathematical Olympiad among schoolchildren had been held and measures were being taken to form children’s equestrian team.

Thanks to the activities of the Charitable Foundation, various surgeries were performed on sick children, and now they live full lives. This is a vivid result of the care for children in need of guardianship, shown on the basis of the humanitarian initiatives of Haji Arkadag and the efforts made to raise them as worthy citizens of the country.

The Hero-Arkadag emphasised constant attention should be paid to issues related to the further effective work of the Charitable Foundation, based on the noble traditions of the Turkmen people. This is another confirmation that humanistic activities are developing in the spirit of the times and the continuation of good deeds.

During the working meeting, the Director General of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre M. Okuzova reported on the work being done there to improve the health of hundreds of children. At the same time, it was reported that a group of doctors from the Centre had visited leading clinical centres in foreign countries, where they had gained positive experience.

This is evidence that tireless efforts are being made to successfully implement the tasks of the Saglyk State Programme, developed with the direct participation of Doctor Arkadag. On behalf of all doctors, the Head of the Centre expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the National Leader of the Turkmen people for strengthening the material and technical base of the Centre and establishing international cooperation.

The Hero-Arkadag stressed the necessary measures would continue to be taken to improve the health of the younger generation. Great attention should be paid to the medical care of children undergoing treatment there, the organisation of their walks around the city of Arkadag and the effective functioning of children’s clubs focused on choosing a future profession, which will increase the effectiveness of treatment.

As it was noted, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship had become an internationally recognised organisation. In this regard, activities in that direction should be constantly developed, and international cooperation should be intensified, the Hero-Arkadag emphasised, giving a number of specific instructions to the relevant officials.

Caring for the health of all Turkmen citizens, especially children, was the focus of constant attention of the state, Doctor Arkadag noted, stressing the activities, carried out in that direction and the medical services provided, must fully comply with international standards and requirements. Particular attention should be paid to improving the professionalism of doctors.

After wishing the participants of the working meeting further success in their activity, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the venue.
