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News / Increasing the World Glory of the Unique Property of the Tur...

Increasing the World Glory of the Unique Property of the Turkmen People

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the new Equestrian Complex of the city of Arkadag, located in a picturesque place at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains. There, the Hero-Arkadag went on a horseback ride and acquainted himself with the designs of buildings planned to be erected as part of the second phase of the city’s development, the decor of some objects and plans for the layout of new buildings. Following the wisdom “When you get up in the morning, visit your father and then your horse,” the Hero-Arkadag asked about the condition of the horses kept at the Equestrian Complex.
In recent years, everything there has changed beyond recognition. This is vivid evidence that, as a result of the initiatives of the Hero-Arkadag and the consistent work of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, the cities and villages of the country are becoming more beautiful with every passing day. Maintaining favourable environmental conditions in the city of Arkadag is one of the main requirements for project developers and builders.
The Hero-Arkadag arrived at the equestrian complex of the new city. There, the National Leader of the Turkmen people was met by the Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan, the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan, the hyakim of the city of Arkadag and the Vice-President of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association B. Rejepov, who expressed gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Hero-Arkadag for the conditions created and the state support for the fruitful work of horse breeders at the equestrian complex, designed for 600 heads, and for scientific activities in that sphere.
During his familiarisation with the capabilities of the new complex, the Hero-Arkadag noted all conditions had been created there for the development of our national traditions of horse breeding and their popularisation in the world, giving recommendations for the integration of the national principles of horse breeding with the best practices of our time.
Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people visited a “paradise” horse named Hanbeg. Today, thanks to the constant efforts of the state, the international fame of the legendary Ahalteke horses, which take a worthy place in world culture, is growing. Taking the reins of the horse named Hanbeg, the Hero-Arkadag took a walk.
As the scientist Arkadag noted, the morning walk of horses had a positive effect on their build and health. A winter morning enhances the beauty of those places where a favourable climate has been created. Such a walk in the fresh air gives a person inspiration and a charge of vigour, and for horses, it is an important condition for maintaining health and good shape.
The Hero-Arkadag mounted his horse and set off. In honour of the Ahalteke horses, considered one of the elite breeds in the world, many works of art have been created in different periods of history. In Turkmen classical literature, the horse is equated to the throne of Solomon. All this is a vivid confirmation that the Turkmen people have always treated Ahalteke horses with special respect.
Our people, who created the catchphrase “At Myrat,” equated their bright dreams and great goals with Ahalteke horses. Horses have become the main decoration of holiday celebrations. Today, the exemplary principles of breeding and raising horses, bequeathed by our glorious ancestors, have received further development as a result of the efforts of the National Leader of the Turkmen people and the President of Turkmenistan.

During his horseback ride, the Hero-Arkadag trotted his horse. Being in the hands of the experienced rider, the horse raised its head high and continued its run.
All measures taken today in this sphere are vivid evidence of the development of national horse breeding traditions in accordance with the requirements of the time. The construction in Arkadag City of the new stable, Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy, Gerogly State Equestrian Circus, the scientific and production centre for horse breeding and the International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex that meets international standards shows that the principles of the national horse breeding are being developed on an integrated and scientific basis.
As if proud of the current happy era, the horse Hanbeg accelerated its run, thereby making it clear that in the year “The Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”, great goals would be achieved and the new year would be crowned with great successes.
Along with educating our younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, much attention is paid to introducing them to honest work. In this context, at the state level, great importance is attached to increasing among young people interest in and reverence for the national values created by our people, especially the love for Ahalteke horses.
After completing the horse ride, the Hero-Arkadag took the horse to the stable and said goodbye to it.
Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people acquainted himself with the presented projects, including drawings of a complex of buildings of the Agricultural University, industrial facilities, a museum, a Health House, a Fire Service and a park Saglyk. Projects for the interior decoration of the Main Mosque of the city of Arkadag and types of symbols related to medical institutions were also demonstrated there.
Upon familiarising himself with the presented projects, the Hero-Arkadag made some adjustments to the project to construct the Agricultural University complex. Work at the facilities of the second stage of the development of the “smart” city must be under constant control, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty emphasised.
Speaking about the importance of building the new city, incorporating modern construction practices, the Hero-Arkadag said everything happening there was of historical significance, and that was why construction work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the time. Particular emphasis was placed on the harmonious combination of advanced urban planning methods with national architectural traditions. The latest technologies and digital system should be actively used there.
As the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed, great attention should be paid to the design of modern structures and buildings with their further construction, decorative features, production indicators and quality.
In the age of the latest technologies, in the implementation of the urban planning programme, as in all spheres, innovative technologies, advanced world experience and the digital system must be effectively used, the Hero-Arkadag said, emphasising that in that context, a responsible approach to the successful implementation of the tasks set in that area was important.
Noting that the production facilities of the second stage of development and the development of trademarks at a modern level in accordance with the requirements of the time should be treated responsibly, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed modern approaches should be actively used in that direction.
Then the Hero-Arkadag conducted a working meeting there with the participation of the Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov and the hyakim of the city of Arkadag Sh. Durdyliyev.
Issues related to ensuring the high quality of the construction of facilities planned as part of the second phase of the city’s development and its completion in time were considered.
The Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of the City of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan D. Orazov reported on the work being carried out there and on the measures being taken to develop designs for the planned facilities.
Noting that construction within the second phase of the city’s development was behind schedule, the Hero-Arkadag expressed dissatisfaction with the organisation of D. Orazov’s work in that direction. When constructing buildings, it is necessary to attach great importance to the state of the ecological environment of the city of Arkadag and also to keep in view the issues of the timely commissioning of facilities. At the same time, strict compliance with relevant requirements and the improvement of the areas adjacent to buildings are among the top priorities.

Further, the Hyakim of Arkadag City Sh. Durdyliyev reported on the progress of the campaign to resettle the population to the new city and on the steps being taken to establish trade and related services in the city. The emphasis was placed on measures to ensure the coordinated work of various services.
Speaking about the importance of the campaign to resettle the population into modern residential buildings in the new city, Arkadag expressed dissatisfaction with its implementation. These issues must be approached very responsibly and comprehensively. Everything necessary must be done to ensure a happy life for people in the new city, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty said, while improving the culture of trade and establishing the work of the service sector were identified as the important tasks of our time.
The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, addressing D. Orazov and Sh. Durdyliyev, gave specific instructions regarding the elimination of shortcomings and the establishment of control over the comprehensive harmonious development of the city of Arkadag. This is one of the important requirements for the implementation of the modern urban planning programme and for raising the social and living standards of the urban population.
Then the working meeting continued with the participation of the Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan H. Hajymyradov, and the Vice-President of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association B. Rejepov.
Issues related to the planned work on the reconstruction of the Ahalteke equestrian complex of the President of Turkmenistan were considered. The Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the President of Turkmenistan informed the Hero-Arkadag of the work to be carried out on the territory of the complex and of the developed projects for the interior design and equipment of the buildings of the complex.
After his acquaintance with the presented projects, the National Leader of the Turkmen people made some comments on them and made appropriate adjustments. The interior design of the complex buildings must correspond to the significance of the work performed there. As the Hero-Arkadag noted, it was necessary to pay due attention to the introduction of the latest technologies and digital systems, and he gave valuable recommendations in this regard.
During the working meeting, sketches for the reconstruction of the look of buildings, green areas, sidewalks and adjacent areas of the complex were also presented to the Hero-Arkadag for consideration. These include seven stables designed for sixty horses, and a project for new warehouses for horse fodder.
When reconstructing the buildings of the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan, which is located in one of the most beautiful places at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains, the national principles of architecture must be combined with best practices. At the same time, the materials used must meet modern requirements. This is especially significant both in construction work and in the design of buildings.
Next, the Hero-Arkadag told the participants of the working meeting about good news received from the Russian Kynological Federation.
As the Hero-Arkadag noted, the Russian Kynological Federation had been established in 1991 and was a public association, the only official representative of Russia in the International Kennel Union and a major dog breeding association in Russia.
The Russian Kynological Federation includes the Federation of Service Dog Breeding of Russia, the Federation of Hunting Dog Breeding of Russia, the Federation of Amateur Dog Breeding of Russia, and the All-Russian Association of Public Associations of Independent Dog Breeders.
Currently, approximately 5.5 million dogs, 1,427 dog clubs and 22,358 kennels from all regions of the country have been registered in the stud book of the Russian Kynological Federation.
The Hero-Arkadag noted that on January 15–17, 2024, a celebration had been held in the city of Kazan to award the winners of the championship of the Russian Kynological Federation in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog nomination and the winners had been selected based on whole blood, beauty, skill in following commands and other characteristics.

The Turkmen Alabay Akdost, presented in 2021 by the President of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, became the champion of Russia in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog nomination in two categories.
On January 15, 2024, it won the first award for whole blood and beauty. In this category, attention is paid to height, weight, physique and compliance with the generally accepted requirements set before Central Asian shepherd dogs.
On January 17, 2024, it was awarded a prize for its intelligence and attentiveness. About 200 dogs from all over Russia took part in the championship in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog nomination.
Akdost gained experience by participating in several exhibitions and competitions held in different cities of Russia. Noting that Akdost was highly praised by the judges at those competitions, the Hero-Arkadag solemnly presented the Vice-President of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association B. Rejepov with certificates awarded to this Alabay dog at competitions held on January 15-17, 2024, and congratulated everyone on the high awards, wishing them every success.
The Vice-President of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association B. Rejepov with great pride accepted the certificates proving the growing world fame of the Turkmen Alabay dogs.
Then B. Rejepov expressed gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for the efforts made at the state level to popularise the glory of Ahalteke horses, Turkmen carpets and Alabay dogs in the world.
Noting that the first days of the year “The Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy” were full of joyful events for our people, the Vice President said the good news from Russia had pleased our people, especially dog breeders. B. Rejepov asked the Hero-Arkadag on behalf of the people to hand over an Alabay puppy named Shatlyk to the President of Turkmenistan as a symbol of joyful events.
The National Leader of the Turkmen people, together with the Alabay puppy, headed to the arena of the Equestrian Complex. There, the special connoisseur of Ahalteke horses, Hero-Arkadag, saddled his horse named Hanbeg and rode around the arena. The puppy Shatlyk, not lagging behind, followed the horse.
These images became evidence of special kindness in the relationship between the horse and the Alabay dog, distinguished by its devotion to the master. This is another confirmation that the history of Ahalteke horses and Alabay dogs is closely connected with the life of the Turkmen people and goes back to the depths of millennia.
Today, thanks to the constant efforts of the state, the glory of the legendary Ahalteke horses and Turkmen Alabay dogs, which take a worthy place in world culture, is growing on the international arena. After the completion of the walk, the Hero-Arkadag said goodbye to the horse and got into the car with the puppy. At that moment, the horse Hanbeg approached the car. The smart horse, shaking its head, “wished” the Hero-Arkadag a good journey. Stroking the horse’s head, the National Leader of the Turkmen people wished every success to everyone and left the venue of the event.
* * *
As it became known, a Turkmen Alabay dog had taken part in international competitions and had won the most important victory in the history of world dog breeding. This event increased the joy of domestic dog breeders and inspired them to new successes at work.
The happy people of our country, striving for new achievements with the goal of glorifying the year “The Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy,” work hard and fruitfully. These days, good news came from the Russian Kynological Federation that a Turkmen Alabay named Akdost, presented to the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, had become the winner of the championship of the Russian Kynological Federation in two categories.
In recent years, independent neutral Turkmenistan has increasingly strengthened cooperation with countries of the world and prestigious international organisations. Relations with neighbouring countries, especially with the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, have reached a new level and are actively developing in all directions.
Having a six-thousand-year history, along with loyalty to their master, Alabay dogs are capable of protecting property and flocks of sheep. Currently, as a result of the successful continuation of the noble initiatives of the Hero-Arkadag by Arkadagly Hero Serdar, work has been intensified to protect and study the national values of the people created over the centuries. It should be noted that faithful Alabay dogs occupy a special place here.
It has become a good tradition in our country to annually celebrate Turkmen Alabay Day. Within its framework, competitions are organised in order to enhance the best traditions of the national dog breeding. In turn, this determines comprehensive activities for breeding Alabay dogs, preserving the purity of the breed and popularising them throughout the world.
Private dog breeders and dog breeders of the security, defence and law-enforcement agencies take part in the competition for the title “Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy”. At the competition held in October last year, organised as part of Turkmen Alabay Day, the winner was an Alabay dog Akhan of the Ministry of National Security of Turkmenistan, which was awarded the title “Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy.”
It should be noted that the medal “Ýylyň türkmen edermen alabaýy” was established to be awarded to the winner of the international competition organised by the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association. This is another expression of concern at the state level for Alabay dogs and activities to strengthen the position of Alabay dogs on the international arena.
In one of the most beautiful parts at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains, the complex of the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association was built. It has museums, a library, work rooms, innovative technologies, modern computer equipment and digital and Internet systems.
Also, on the territory of the Ahal velayat, a Veterinary Centre, fitted with modern equipment and meeting international requirements, was built and put into operation. Like the Quarantine Centre, it is of great importance in monitoring the health status of Alabay dogs and providing the necessary veterinary services.
As it has previously been reported, on January 15-17, 2024, the Russian Kynological Federation championship was held in the city of Kazan in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog category, where winners were selected based on whole blood, beauty, skill in following commands and other characteristics.
The Turkmen Alabay dog Akdost, presented in 2021 by the President of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, became the champion of Russia in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog nomination in two categories.
On January 15, 2024, it was awarded the prize for whole blood and beauty, and on January 17, 2024, it was awarded the prize for intelligence and attentiveness. About 200 dogs took part in the Central Asian Shepherd Dog nomination throughout Russia.
It should be noted that Akdost, by participating in exhibitions and competitions held in different cities of Russia, gained experience and was awarded high marks from judges. In this regard, the Hero-Arkadag solemnly presented these awards to the leaders of the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association, congratulated the members of the Association and wished them every success.
Akdost’s victory in the competition among dogs of different breeds is further evidence of the versatility of the Turkmen Alabay dog.
Alabay dogs, like Ahalteke horses and beautiful Turkmen carpets, which have their roots in the depths of centuries, are the national treasure of our people. Having become symbols of the concepts of harmony, beauty and material and spiritual values of the Turkmen people, they form an important part of the culture of the people.
Today, the Turkmen Alabay dog is recognised as one of the most popular breeds in the world.
As a result of the work, carried out by domestic breeders to preserve the whole blood of the Alabay breed, its original exterior has been preserved to this day. Thus, the establishment in different parts of the country of a complex of facilities engaged in the breeding and scientific study of Alabay dogs has opened up wide opportunities for further activities in this area.
As the Hero-Arkadag writes in his book Türkmen Alabaýy: “The Alabay dog is a national treasure created by our ancestors, and it is our duty to preserve it and pass it on to future generations in all its glory.”
Alabay dogs have firmly entered the life of the Turkmen people. It is not accidental that the image of Vepaly was chosen as a symbol of the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games held in our capital. All this is a vivid confirmation that the Alabay dog, with a powerful, unique body structure, has qualities such as devotion, courage and determination and takes an important place in the life of our society.

The monument to the Alabay dog, erected as part of the 16th phase of the development of Ashgabat at the crossroads of the main roads, is a vivid symbol of universal love for the beautiful dog, which has become a faithful friend of our people. The uniqueness of the sculpture of the world-famous Alabay dog and the creation of a single harmony with the complex of buildings in this part of the city testify to the veneration of the Alabay dog in our country.
In accordance with the noble traditions of our people, formed throughout history, gifts are given as a sign of deep gratitude to people with whom you maintain good relations. In this regard, it has become a noble tradition in our country to present Ahalteke horses or Turkmen Alabay dogs, considered national treasures, to heads of foreign states who contribute to the development of comprehensive ties with our country and the intensification of friendly cooperation.
In October 2017, the Hero-Arkadag, taking part in a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS member countries, held in Sochi, Russian Federation, sincerely congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday and presented his Russian colleague with an Alabay dog named Vepaly.
As the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted, the Alabay dog had long been a faithful companion and friend of the Turkmen. This gift symbolised commitment to the principles of the centuries-old Turkmen-Russian friendship and personal relations between the leaders of the two countries, based on mutual trust.
The use of Alabay dogs in the work of the country’s security, defence and law-enforcement agencies, especially the Frontier Service, is another confirmation that, after undergoing appropriate training, they are capable of protecting the frontier and property. And many years of experience proves this.
In recent years, the country’s security, defence and law-enforcement agencies have been conducting special training with Turkmen alabay, as a result of which they demonstrate their skills in catching criminals and detecting explosive substances.
When meeting with the country’s frontier guards, the National Leader of the Turkmen people is constantly interested in their service and living conditions. All this inspires military personnel who provide the reliable protection of the sacred frontier of the Motherland, which is the border of friendship and brotherhood.
In May 2019, the Hero-Arkadag met with frontier guards and announced he was giving them seven Alabay puppies, which would become their close friends. Noting that the number seven was considered sacred by the Turkmen people and brought happiness and prosperity, Arkadag expressed confidence that those good national traditions would be continued.
Speaking about this, the Hero-Arkadag highlighted the need to continue work on preparing Alabay dogs for the Frontier Service.
It should be noted that, as in all structures, modern buildings have been built at border outposts and formations designed to keep service Alabay dogs and to conduct appropriate training with them. In facilities, equipped in accordance with international standards, ample opportunities have been created for preparing Alabays for use in frontier protection.
In the summer of 2020, the Hero-Arkadag early in the morning, together with an Alabay dog named Palvan, went for a walk at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains. The centuries-old life experience of the Turkmen people has proven that the Alabay dogs’ walks in the mountains help improve their breed qualities.
Fearless Turkmen Alabay dogs, along with the frisky Ahalteke horses, are an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people.

In accordance with the centuries-old principles inherent in our people, great importance is attached to the breeding of Alabay dogs and the conditions for their walking, which increases the Alabay dog’s devotion to its master.
As a result of complex work, a breed that is recognised throughout the world as fearless, strong and at the same time loyal, capable of protecting flocks of sheep and property was developed.
In the building of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association, located in one of the most beautiful districts of Ashgabat, there is a well-equipped museum where valuables related to the history of Alabay dogs and their unique characteristics are stored. There, an important place is also given to historical information and finds discovered during scientific research and archaeological excavations carried out by scientists. All this is a guide for the scientific study of the origin of the Turkmen alabay dog and its characteristic features.
As it is known, the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association was established in our country, and this determined the consistent and effective nature of the work carried out in this direction. In this regard, in April 2021, the structural facilities of the Association were built and put into operation. The opening ceremony of the complex of the International Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association was held in conjunction with the celebrations organised on the occasion of the opening of the Quarantine Centre in the Ahal velayat and corresponding centres in the Balkan, Dashoguz, Lebap and Mary velayats and the city of Ashgabat.
The official visit of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Türkiye in October 2023 was marked by significant events and memorable moments. During the visit, important agreements were reached for both countries. At the meeting, the parties also exchanged views on a number of regional and international policy issues of mutual interest.
As a sign of gratitude for the efforts to develop the bilateral relations in all areas, the Head of Turkmenistan presented President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with a Turkmen alabay dog named Gardash.
As the President of Turkmenistan noted, brave and loyal Alabay dogs for centuries had been his faithful friends and companions, reliable protectors and helpers. Today Alabay dogs are an integral part of the rich cultural heritage of our people.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov for this wonderful gift, which was a unique symbol of commitment to the traditions of the Turkmen-Turkish friendship.
Taking this opportunity, the President of the Republic of Türkiye, in turn, presented the President of Turkmenistan with two beautiful puppies.
The Head of Turkmenistan thanked the Turkish leader for the gift and said he considered it as a symbol of the unshakable Turkmen-Turkish friendship.
Taking into consideration that in recent years there has been great interest in Alabay dogs, bred by the diligence of our talented ancestors, great importance is attached to the issues of preserving the purity of the breed, breeding and training in various areas.
The Turkmen people demonstrated to the whole world the ability to live in harmony with nature and the true beauty of folk selection. All this is a vivid manifestation of the creative talent of our glorious ancestors.
On the occasion of the good news received from the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, it is appropriate to present a poem by the Hero-Arkadag devoted to Alabay dogs, which have become the national pride of our people.
It knows both years and centuries,
Connection of times – the Turkmen Alabay.
Glory is invariably high,
We appreciate the Turkmen Alabay.
This is a fairy tale – a beloved country.
Festiveness has been given to her for centuries.
It faithfully preserves the times,
Bastion is the Turkmen Alabay.
Outwardly, it resembles a lion.
There is good talk about it.
And courage is new every time, –
It is so strong – the Turkmen Alabay.
The caravan under its protection
Goes through centuries from distant lands
It has long been equated to gold
The Turkmen Alabay.
Endowed with an immortal destiny,
It is a living monument to the past.
And it is glorified like no other,
We have exalted the Turkmen Alabay.
The carpet and the horse through centuries –
Ancestors’ testament and behest.
Symbol of achievements and victories,
The standard is the Turkmen Alabay.
As it can be seen, the Alabay dog, which combines such qualities as loyalty, courage and intelligence, connecting different eras and generations, are still our true friends today.
Thus, comprehensive work is being carried out in our country to develop and continue the national values created by the Turkmen people, who have made a worthy contribution to world culture. All this is a visible confirmation that at the state level, special importance is attached to enriching, in accordance with the spirit of the times, the principles exemplary for the whole world that were created by our wise ancestors.
* * *
Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy hosted a meeting devoted to the presentation of certificates, symbolising the victory of the Turkmen Alabay dog at the international level, by the Hero-Arkadag to the Vice-President of the International Ahalteke Horse Breeding Association and the Türkmen Alabaý Itleri Association and to the results of work on the development of horse and dog breeding in the country.
As it was noted, in recent years, in the city of Arkadag, as in all corners of the country, comprehensive measures had been taken to preserve the purebred Ahalteke horses and Turkmen Alabay dogs, the pride of our people, to widely promote them in the world and to collect relevant historical materials, which was the main condition for increasing the glory of the unique heritage of the Turkmen people.
