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News / President Serdar Berdimuhamedov Takes Part in New Year’s Cel...

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov Takes Part in New Year’s Celebrations

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov attended a New Year’s performance at the Main New Year’s Tree of the country, sharing the joy and fun with the young participants of the festive event in the square in front of the Älem Cultural and Entertainment Centre.
Traditionally, the Älem Cultural Centre, located in one of the picturesque parts of the white-marble city of Ashgabat, at the foothills of the snow-capped Kopetdag Mountains, has been chosen as the main venue for everyone’s favourite New Year’s holiday, which the people of Turkmenistan celebrate with joy, in peace and harmony.
The majestic green beauty, crowned with an eight-pointed star and the number 2024 and magically sparkling with multi-coloured toys, garlands and lanterns, is installed in the centre of the square. Around the Main New Year’s Tree of the country, 44 metres high and 16 metres wide, there is a truly fabulous kingdom of flashing lights, shining glass balls and giant openwork snowflakes.
There, a forest of smaller fir trees grew and a town shimmering with all the colours of the rainbow arose, immersing you in the atmosphere of a New Year’s miracle and the expectation of surprises, vivid impressions and extraordinary adventures in the company of your favourite characters from children’s fairy tales and cartoons.
Children from all velayats and students of schools of the capital were invited to the event at the Main New Year’s Tree, which became a place of attraction for many children. Among them are excellent students, winners of subject Olympiads, sports competitions and creative contests.
The car of the President of Turkmenistan stopped at the square. Children in festive national costumes presented the head of state with bouquets of flowers.
The children greeted President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with jubilation, expressing their love and gratitude for a happy childhood in joyful chants. Tireless care for the young generation and the creation of all conditions for their full development and education on the basis of national and universal values are among the priorities of the state policy of the Head of Turkmenistan, who treats children with special warmth, seeing in them the future of the Motherland, its happy tomorrow.
The words of deep gratitude, expressed in verse, sounded sublimely and sincerely from the lips of young citizens for the fact that the independent and neutral Motherland today is rightfully considered a country where they can live happily, look confidently into the future and realize their dreams.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, together with the children, went to the sparkling evergreen queen to the accompaniment of the solemn melody.
The main characters of the New Year’s celebrations – Ayaz Baba and Garpamyk, and the symbolic characters of the outgoing 2023 – the Rabbit, and the coming 2024 – the Fish, on behalf of the younger generation and all compatriots, congratulated Arkadagly Serdar on the New Year’s Day and expressed gratitude for the fatherly care shown for children and for the provision of necessary conditions for full-fledged and multifaceted education and upbringing of a harmoniously developed younger generation, true patriots of the Motherland, who in the near future will lead it to new heights and achievements.
Then, in front of the head of state, song and musical performances by young artists who had prepared their creative gifts began.
In an atmosphere of magic and mystery, an enchanting New Year’s performance unfolded with the participation of talented beginning vocalists, musicians and children’s choreographic ensembles. The snow-white costumes of the young artists created the impression of lush snow swirling around the Main New Year’s Tree, and their eyes and playful smiles shone brighter than the decorations on the branches of the coniferous beauty.
The President of Turkmenistan watched with pleasure and great interest the performances of happy, gifted children, who are the pride and truly invaluable national treasure of any state and society. As Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes, today’s talented schoolchildren will in the future make a significant contribution to accelerating the dynamics of the social and economic progress of their Motherland.
All conditions are being created in Turkmenistan to reveal the capabilities of the younger generation. This is confirmed by the modern schools and preschool institutions, sports and physical education complexes, equipped with advanced technologies, that have been built and are being built in various regions of the Motherland.
Thanks to this, young Turkmen citizens actively develop their creative and intellectual abilities, do sports and worthily represent our country abroad, winning medals and prizes.
...The culmination of the colourful performance was a round dance around the New Year’s Tree. The children in costumes of the Rabbit and the Fish asked the head of state to take part in this round dance.
Heartily thanking the young artists for their wonderful performances, Arkadagly Serdar, holding hands with the children, joined this traditional New Year ceremony, embodying friendship, peace, harmony, unity and continuity of generations, with great pleasure sharing with the children the fun and joy of everyone’s favourite holiday.
Then all the children, who participated in the celebration, were given New Year’s gifts. At the request of the children, in memory of the joyful event Arkadagly Serdar took a photo with young Turkmen people at the Main New Year’s Tree of the country.
After wishing the children a Happy New Year, excellent winter holidays, success in their studies and the fulfilment of their cherished desires, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got into the car and arrived at the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where the festive marathon continued with a New Year’s show.

...The day before, on December 27, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted the grand opening of the International Scientific and Practical Conference and Multidisciplinary Exhibition, which became a kind of summing up of the outgoing year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”.
The Head of Turkmenistan acquainted himself with the exhibition organised there, which widely presented the successes in the activities of the Halk Maslahaty, the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the hyakimliks of the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, the spheres of culture, science, education, health care, transport and communications, the financial, banking, construction and industrial complexes, the oil and gas sector, agriculture and public organisations.
One of the strategic objectives of state policy, the foundation of which was laid by the National Leader of the Turkmen people and is being successfully implemented under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, is the formation of an inspired, highly educated, intellectually and physically developed younger generation, true patriots of the Motherland.
In our independent Motherland, the rights of young people are reliably protected. In accordance with adopted government programmes, social benefits for young people are being expanded. In this context, it should be noted that in order to strengthen the legislative basis for activities carried out in this sphere, a new version of the Law of Turkmenistan “On State Youth Policy” was adopted, and the State Programme in the field of the state youth policy of Turkmenistan for 2021–2025 and the Action Plan for its implementation were approved.
Among the key vectors of the socially oriented policy, the main principle of which is “The state is for the people!”, is ensuring the legal and social protection of young citizens. As a striking example, we can cite the activities of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship, established on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people. As a result of the support and efforts of the Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Serdar, the Foundation’s board organised many charitable events.
Being committed to its international obligations, our country is steadily implementing a policy of deepening constructive partnership in basic areas for the successful implementation of global development goals. As it is known, one of them is international youth diplomacy aimed at expanding the dialogue among young people from different countries and actively participating in building a better future for the planet. Having ample opportunities, the younger generation makes a great contribution to the work carried out in this area, building new formats of interaction for the sake of common interests.
One of the expositions of the exhibition presented achievements in the field of urban planning. In this regard, it should be noted that as a result of the large-scale conception, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and successfully continued by Arkadagly Serdar, the look of our cities and villages has been transformed beyond recognition. The best example of this is the white-marble capital of Ashgabat and the city of Arkadag, which embodies the latest digital technologies. The implementation of the project for the construction of a “smart” city, which has no analogues in the region, is one of the indicators of the enormous economic potential of our Motherland and its aspiration to the heights of scientific and technological progress.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s visit to the exhibition, held within the framework of the International Scientific and Practical Conference devoted to the results of the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, became another vivid evidence that the issues of the development and personal growth of young Turkmen citizens, the creation of conditions to expand opportunities for the maximal realisation of their intellectual, creative and spiritual potential and the attraction of them to active participation in the socio-political, socioeconomic and cultural life of the country are in the centre of the constant attention of the head of state.
Upon wishing the participants of the multidisciplinary exhibition every success and new achievements, Arkadagly Serdar went to the large hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, solemnly adorned with bright decorations and festive paraphernalia. A beautiful New Year’s tree was installed there, around which Ayaz Baba, Garpamyk, the symbol of 2024 – the Fish, and numerous young Ashgabat residents and guests of the capital, dressed in carnival costumes, gathered in joyful anticipation of the New Year’s fairy tale. They all joyfully greeted the head of state.
With great pleasure, the President of Turkmenistan watched the performances of pop artists, theatres and circuses, folk and dance groups, children’s creative groups and talented children of different age, starting with kindergarten attendants.
A grandiose performance was shown on a festively decorated stage with cheerful music, songs and fiery dances, which became a dedication to the New Year.
The “stars” who shone on the stage – the Güneş children’s choir, the Mukam violin ensemble, the dance groups Ruhubelent Çagalar, Şowhun, Aýjan, Meňli, Dokmaçylar and Galkynyş – presented their creative gifts.
At the same time, individual soloists, laureates of many state competitions and international creative festivals, demonstrated their art.
With friendly applause, the audience greeted the artists of the Turkmen State Puppet Theatre, giving them a joyful mood.
The performers of the Turkmen State Circus caused surprise and admiration with their dexterity. Young talents also showed their talents and charm, convincingly demonstrating that the future of Turkmen art and culture is in good hands. Absorbing the wealth of the national heritage, drawing inspiration and fresh ideas from it, they are also sensitive to world cultural values and open to everything new and interesting.
On occasion of the New Year’s celebrations, a huge cake was presented to the great joy of the participants of the celebration.
After congratulating those gathered on the forthcoming holiday and wishing the fulfilment of cherished wishes in the new year, 2024, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov said goodbye to the participants of the celebration and left the venue of the event.
The city streets, squares, parks and public gardens of the white-marble capital are also dressed in the magnificent New Year’s outfit as they welcome the new year, 2024. The atmosphere of a real fairy tale reigns everywhere – dynamic light compositions, illuminations, sparkling decorations and various art objects are installed around, transforming the city as if by magic. The lights of the garlands lined the streets with meteorite flashes and turned the capital into the backdrop of a fantasy film.
Entering 2024, independent and neutral Turkmenistan vividly demonstrates the unity of the people and the support of the younger generation for the policies of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, under whose leadership, in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the successes and achievements of the Motherland are multiplying.
