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News / The President of Turkmenistan Takes Part in the Celebrations...

The President of Turkmenistan Takes Part in the Celebrations of the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse

The festive events marking the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse took place at Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy in the city of Arkadag. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov attended the festive events. The festive programme included the awards ceremony of the International Contest “Ýylyň in owadan ahalteke bedewi” and the thematic contest among artists and cultural workers.
Since time immemorial, the world has admired the unsurpassed beauty and grace, speed and endurance of Ahalteke horses. The famous “paradise” horses are not only an object of special national pride of the Turkmen people, but also their invaluable contribution to the treasury of universal human values.
It is natural that the horse has become the main symbol of our Motherland, the living embodiment of the inextricable links between eras and generations, the epitome of the creative energy with which independent and neutral Turkmenistan has stepped into the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State.
These days, the events are being held throughout the country to honour the best horse breeders and horse trainers, all those involved in raising and training purebred Ahalteke horses and supporting the breed nurtured over thousands of years and passed on as a national treasure from one generation to another. In the modern period, these unique traditions are entering a new stage of development, and the material and technical basis of the industry is being modernised. The integration of Turkmenistan’s horse sector into the international industry not only serves to expand the breeding base of the thoroughbred livestock, but also is a significant step to bring Turkmenistan to a leading position in the global horse breeding.
The President of Turkmenistan identified research and breeding activities, the adoption of the best international practices and advanced technologies in this sphere, the consolidation of efforts of domestic and foreign specialists and the sporting aspects as the important areas of the further development of the national school of horse breeding. All this is aimed at ensuring that new generations of Ahalteke horses rise their glory and enhance the pride of the Turkmen people.
The car of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov approached Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy.
A musical and choreographic composition performed by Turkmen artists and cultural workers added bright colours to the solemn event. A buoyant dance was performed to a song about the endless love and admiration of the Turkmen people for their horses. The hearty congratulations on the national holiday were heard.
Arkadagly Hero Serdar thanked the artists for their inspired performance and headed to the closed arena, where the students from Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy performed in an equestrian show, arousing admiration in everyone with their courage, miracles of dexterity and brilliant vaulting techniques. An exciting show performed by the young horsemen enchanted the audience with the swiftness, incomparable beauty and natural grace of purebred Ahalteke horses that are a living masterpiece of national selective breeding and a symbol of our country.
At the end of the spectacular performance, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov went to the open arena and took his seat.
The presenter expressed profound gratitude on behalf of the Turkmen people to the President of Turkmenistan and Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for their multifaceted activities in the name of the spiritual flourishing of the Motherland and their efforts to promote worldwide the glory of Ahalteke horses. The congratulations on the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse, widely celebrated in our country, and wishes for new accomplishments and achievements were expressed.
The revival and preservation of the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, the ancient customs and traditions of the art of horse breeding are the focus of attention of the President of Turkmenistan.
The people who have dedicated their lives to Ahalteke horses are respected profoundly and honoured in our country. One of them was Aba Annayev, known as an experienced horse trainer and a talented horse breeder. The merits of Aba Annayev, who made a significant contribution to promoting the Turkmen art of horse breeding, passing on the age-old traditions of horse breeding from one generation to another and preserving and improving the legendary Ahalteke breed, a passionate defender of the purity of which he always was, are invaluable.
At all times, our courageous ancestors paid special attention to improving selective breeding of the horses, distinguished by amazing sensitivity, akin to humans, and devotion to the owner. They raised and nurtured swift horses that outrun the wind and passed on this priceless asset to subsequent generations. Nowadays, Turkmen horse breeders continue this work in a worthy manner.

Great credit in this noble cause belongs to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
The purposeful selfless activity of the Hero-Arkadag, who is an expert and populariser of Ahalteke horses, the author of the wonderful books about Turkmen horses and an experienced horse rider, contributes to reviving, preserving and developing the art of breeding thoroughbred “paradise” horses, building a modern infrastructure and promoting the national equestrian games and equestrian sports.
The Hero-Arkadag is the author of the wonderful books about “heavenly” horses, based on thorough scientific analysis, extensive historical material and modern data. These works that are very popular among the people of Turkmenistan are translated into different languages of the world to be available to foreign readers, specialists and scientists who show genuine interest in the legendary Ahalteke horses.
Continuing the endeavours of the Hero-Arkadag, having wholeheartedly imbibed the people’s love for horses, Arkadagly Hero Serdar is taking Turkmen horse breeding to new heights, taking unprecedented measures to develop horse breeding infrastructure, to intensify international cooperation in this area and to promote equestrian sports and national riding traditions.
Great importance is attached to the educational aspect, the professional training of young specialists and the further improvement of industry science. In this regard, an important step was the foundation of Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy last year in Arkadag City, where a Horse Breeding Research and Production Centre was built as well.
The noble work of domestic and foreign horse breeders in breeding Ahalteke horses is highly lauded. The honorary titles “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atsynasy”, “Türkmenistanyň ussat halypa çapyksuwary”, “Türkmenistanyň halk atsynasy” and “Türkmenistanyň ussat halypa seýsi” are bestowed upon them.
…The President of Turkmenistan was invited to go to the observation deck to accept the gift of Ahalteke horses as an expression of immense gratitude for his efforts to develop the horse breeding industry.
The President was greeted by the hyakims of five velayats, the capital city and the city of Arkadag. One by one, the elder, the teenager and the head of each velayat took out the horses, greeting Arkadagly Hero Serdar and presenting the horse’s passport.
Markav from the Ahal velayat, Umman from the Balkan velayat, Keremli from the Dashoguz velayat, Pyahimli from the Lebap velayat, Sarpaly from the Mary velayat and Payhasly from Ashgabat were presented as a gift in honour of the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse.

The representatives of the younger generation from each velayat and Ashgabat expressed deep gratitude to the President in enthusiastic verses on the occasion of the significant event.
Edermen was presented as a gift to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on behalf of the security, defence and law-enforcement agencies.
Residents of Arkadag City and horse breeders from Aba Annayev village in Kyarizek etrap presented as a gift a foal to the President and asked to give it a name. A representative of the younger generation enthusiastically expressed his joy and sincere gratitude to the President in poetic lines.
Arkadagly Hero Serdar gave the name Ylham to the foal born in the year the motto of which “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”.
Following a good tradition, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov tied an alaja, woven by his mother Ogulgerek eje, around the neck of the foal, as a symbol-amulet and a sign of a worthy continuation of national centuries-old traditions in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State.
The President of Turkmenistan expressed gratitude to the elders taking part in the festive events and all horse breeders making a huge contribution to the continuation of the glorious history of the “heavenly” horses.
The final round of the International Contest “Ýylyň in owadan ahalteke bedewi” took place then.
The magnificent horses – the elite representatives of the renowned breed, descending from the eminent ancestors who founded the best Ahalteke breeding lines, were brought to the observation deck.
The presenter introduced each horse by name and their pedigree. These were bay horses Gornukli, Gylykly, Edermen and Payhas, dun horses Gadymy, Gozbash, Vatanchy and Melegush, a dark dun Gasgyn and a light grey horse Melegush.
First, the horses appeared before the spectators without ceremonial harness, and then in a gorgeous attire of traditional national horse jewellery made by the best jewellers. The presentation was accompanied by the announcer’s information about the horses participating in the beauty contest, a story about the national traditions of horse breeding and training, their character and extraordinary qualities. The sublime poetic lines dedicated to the “heavenly” horses were recited.
Then the winners of the creative contest for the artistic depiction of the unique natural charm and beauty of horses in art were announced.
The best works were selected in the following nominations – the most exquisite carpet, the most exquisite piece of jewellery, the best painting and sculpture of a horse, the best printed products, photographs and television stories. The main idea of this contest is to showcase the role of this beautiful and intelligent creature in the life of the Turkmen people.

The prizes on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov were awarded to a 2nd-year student of the Department of Restoration of Turkmen State Institute of Culture G. Bekbayeva for the carpet “Türkmen bedew aty Toýly”; a 6th-year student of the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan A. Annayev for the horse jewellery set “Milli mirasymyz”; a teacher of the Department of Design of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan A. Atahanov for his painting Toýly Gün; a 5th-year student of the Department of Sculpture of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan K. Soltanov for a sculptural composition “At gazanan goç ýigidin, oval bedew aty gerek”; a 3rd-year student of the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan N. Yolamanov for a photograph “Behisdi bedewler”; a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Theatre Arts of the Turkmen State Institute of Culture, speciality – TV cameraman V. Myshshiyev for a short film Şöhraty dünýä dolan bedew.
The winners expressed sincere gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the high evaluation of their creative works and assured the President they would not spare efforts and abilities to raise the worldwide fame of our “paradise” horses and to widely popularise them, depicting them in their works.
The decision of the authoritative judges of the International Contest “Ýylyň in owadan ahalteke bedewi” was announced.
A magnificent horse Gadymy, born in 2017, a descendant of Gadymgal and Durli, which belongs to the line of famous Fakirpalvan, was announced the most beautiful Ahalteke horse of 2024.
The winner of the International Contest received the main prize on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov – the keys to a Toyota Highlander, a Challenge Cup and a diploma.
The horse trainer expressed deep gratitude to the President for the valuable award and his great attention paid to breeding “paradise” horses that are faster than the wind. He assured Turkmen horse breeders would continue the work of their ancestors in a worthy manner and wished the President and the Hero-Arkadag good health and every success in their activity.
In the final part of the festive events, students from of Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy performed. They masterly did various sports exercises.
Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov headed to the closed arena of Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy.
There, the President congratulated all horse breeders of the country on the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse, celebrated in honour of the “paradise” horses of universal value, nurtured by our ancestors for centuries.
Arkadagly Hero Serdar noted the construction of ultra-modern equine sports complexes and research centres, meeting world standards, throughout the country in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State opened up ample opportunities for the effective activity of Turkmen horse breeders in compliance with modern requirements.
The President of Turkmenistan said the magnificent horses presented to him were donated to the teaching staff and students of Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy on the occasion of the holiday. Addressing those gathered with the words, “At arkasy gutly bolsun!”, the President wished everyone every success in maintaining the glory of Ahalteke horses – the pride of the Turkmen people.
The Rector of the Academy P. Bayramdurdiyev expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Arkadagly Hero Serdar for the Ahalteke horses donated as a gift, assuring he would make every effort to fulfil the tasks of improving national science-based methods of horse training and the principles of horse breeding assigned to the Academy, founded thanks to the Hero-Arkadag.
After that, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov presented the keys to new flats in modern residential buildings built for 120 families in the new city to the teaching staff of Aba Annayev International Horse Breeding Academy, the scientists of the Horse Breeding Research and Production Centre and the horse breeders from Arkadag City to mark the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse widely celebrated in our country. The President congratulated the horse breeders on their new flats and expressed his good
Receiving the keys to the new flats with great respect, the Vice-President of the International Association of Ahalteke Horse Breeding B. Rejepov expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the new residents to the President of Turkmenistan.
The popular performers added bright colours to the festive atmosphere. They performed songs about the Motherland that reflected the creative energy of the transformations launched by the Hero-Arkadag and successfully continued by Arkadagly Hero Serdar. Folk melodies and buoyant motifs of modern compositions were about the wonderful Ahalteke horses, which had become national pride, and the beauty of Turkmen nature.
The President of Turkmenistan bade a warm farewell to the participants of the celebration and left the venue.
* * *
To mark the National Holiday of the Turkmen Horse, festive races, music performances and a large-scale exhibition with various sports exercises, performed by athletes, took place at the Mary Equestrian Sports Complex in the Mary velayat.
In total, seven races were held. The juniors competed first. Adult riders competed in other races. The mentor riders performed at the final stage. The winner among the juniors received a Sowly computer, the winner of the sixth race for the main prize of the President of Turkmenistan received a Zemin TV set and a cash prize of 50,000 manats.
There were many bright moments in the competition of the mentor riders. M. Agamyradov, who has the title “Türkmenistanyň at gazanan atsynasy”, riding Dagbedev, finished first and won the main prize of the President of Turkmenistan. He received a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado and a diploma, which became another confirmation of the national significance of the events.
