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News / Working Trip of the Hero-Arkadag to the Mary Velayat

Working Trip of the Hero-Arkadag to the Mary Velayat

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the Gurbanguly Haji Mosque in the city of Mary during his working trip to the Mary velayat.
Being the main attraction of the city, the white-marble mosque was built at the request of the population of the velayat in 2009, taking into account the traditions of national architecture. The top of the main dome with a diameter of 24 metres, decorated with ornaments, is crowned with a golden crescent.
There the Hero-Arkadag was met by the imam of the main mosque of the velayat and religious figures.
As Haji Arkadag emphasised, the country was taking large-scale measures aimed at ensuring a peaceful, prosperous and happy life for the people and the prosperity of the Motherland and increasing the economic power of the state. Great work is being done to change the look of the cities and villages of our native land and to improve the social and living conditions of the population. At the same time, due attention is paid to the construction of modern mosques in all parts of our country.
In the mosque, ayats were read and prayers were offered to the Almighty for the prosperity of the country, the happy life of the people and the successful implementation of the great goals set by the Hero-Arkadag and continued by Arkadagly Hero Serdar. This became vivid evidence of the development of the age-old national principles in accordance with the spirit of the times.
The interior of the mosque is decorated with marble, granite and precious woods. In its decoration, a special place is taken by inscriptions of the suras of the Koran. The complex includes special buildings for sadaqah and religious rituals, a hotel and other facilities. There are beautiful fountains along the stairs.
During the conversation, the Hero-Arkadag noted the tradition of giving sadaqah in memory of the deceased and reading prayers for the repose of their souls, had found its worthy continuation.
Then Haji Hero-Arkadag turned to religious leaders with a proposal to discuss with the elders holding a sadaqah on one of the Fridays of the month of Oraza in memory of his mother Ogulabat eje, who had made a great contribution to the development of such qualities as patriotism, good morals, diligence in the younger generation, and his father Myalikguly aga, who had dedicated his life to serving the Motherland. All this confirms that the honour and dignity of the people are inextricably linked with the veneration of the original family values and their ancestors.
In turn, the religious leaders expressed sincere gratitude to the National Leader of the Turkmen people and the President of Turkmenistan for their tireless concern for the wellbeing of the country and the people of Turkmenistan and wished them every success.
Then the Hero-Arkadag, on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, asked about the work of the military airfield, the technical features of the planes and helicopters available there and the service and social conditions of military pilots.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, General of the Army Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the issues of ensuring security and wellbeing in our independent and permanently neutral Motherland, further strengthening the material and technical base of the security, defence and law-enforcement agencies and improving their activities are in the centre of unremitting attention of the state.
Speaking about this, the Hero-Arkadag focused on the need to successfully solve tasks arising from the purely defensive Military Doctrine of Turkmenistan, following its neutral, friendly and good-neighbourly policy. In this regard, the improvement of the material and technical base of the Armed Forces, especially the careful treatment of military equipment, and compliance with established standards for runways for military aircraft are important tasks of our time.
In that context, it was necessary to keep in the centre of constant attention the issues of the improvement of the professional level, the theoretical, socio-political and physical training of personnel and the organisation of the activities of the security, defence and law-enforcement agencies in accordance with the requirements of the time, the Hero-Arkadag noted and gave a number of recommendations in this regard to the relevant officials.
Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov headed by helicopter towards the pastures of the Maldar livestock farm in the Murgab etrap of the velayat, located on the outskirts of the Karakum desert.
On the territory of the pasture, Arkadag was warmly greeted by a tenant shepherd M. Atayev with his son and grandson.
The National Leader of the Turkmen people asked about his work, the condition of the herd and local pastures and the life of the livestock breeder.
Expressing sincere gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the Hero-Arkadag for their attention, the tenant shepherd said the state created all conditions for livestock breeders to work, noting that his sheep, of which he had over 550 heads, were provided with a well-fed and warm wintering.
The Hero-Arkadag was interested in the shepherd’s work and the specifics of the rental conditions.
The shepherd proudly said he had been in that profession for 25 years and annually received a healthy offspring, thus increasing the wellbeing of the family.
Stressing that in the Motherland, ensuring food abundance was identified as the most important task, the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted that for the Turkmen people, bread had always been sacred and had been the basis of life. That is why the country attaches special importance to ensuring an abundance of bread and bakery products.
Our people, who created the wise saying “The camel is a universal treasure,” especially value camels. Watching these animals, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty talked with the shepherd about the benefits of camel milk, chal and agaran made from it and products made of the wool of these animals for human health.
Sheep farming has become one of the main areas of activity of the Turkmen people. Wise ancestors developed their own methods of herding sheep, and today this sphere is developing at the proper level.
It is well known that the faithful companion of a shepherd is a devoted alabay dog. It quickly gets used to people and protects children and his master’s property. Representatives of this breed, inherited from our ancestors, still serve people faithfully.
Noting that it was a great pride to continue the noble principle “The father’s craft belongs to the son,” the Hero-Arkadag wished the shepherd’s family every success. Our people, who have recognised kovurdak as an indispensable food in the desert, consider it, like bread, sacred. Speaking about this, the Hero-Arkadag said bread was indispensable for a person going on a long journey.
As the National Leader of the Turkmen people stressed, having a profession, respected by people, was prestigious. The Hero-Arkadag emphasised that thanks to the constant attention of the President of the country, the agricultural sector was developing harmoniously, as a result, the population’s demand for various types of products was being satisfied, and food abundance was being created.
The tenant shepherd M. Atayev expressed sincere gratitude to the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty for his attention, assuring that he would continue to make every effort to successfully complete the assigned tasks.

Then the grandson of M. Atayev recited the poem by the National Leader of the Turkmen people “The Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”.
Noting that the state would continue to do everything necessary for farmers and livestock breeders to make a worthy contribution to ensuring food abundance in the country, the Hero-Arkadag wished the tenant every success and family wellbeing. Then the Hero-Arkadag, on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, presented the shepherd’s family with memorable gifts.
Also, the Hero-Arkadag, at the shepherd’s request, took a photo with him and his family.
The shepherd once again expressed his gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag and asked to thank the President of the country for the gifts.
After wishing the shepherd every success in his work, the Hero-Arkadag went to the site of the construction of the Tejen–Mary section of the Ashgabat–Turkmenabat high-speed highway, which is under completion.
The Hero-Arkadag’s helicopter landed at the site of the large-scale construction project designed to contribute to the economic development of the country and the growth of its transport potential.
The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov talked with road workers working there and asked about their working conditions.
A road engineer S. Yovshanov said that thanks to constant support from the state, construction work was being carried out at a high pace; the construction of the Tejen–Mary section was under completion, and at the same time, the construction of the road in the Mary–Turkmenabat direction had begun.
The Hero-Arkadag congratulated the builders on their achievements and showed his interest in their experience in this area and the features of road construction.
Noting that over the years of work in the field of road construction, positive experience had been accumulated, the road engineer proudly stressed it was a great honour for him to take part in the construction of that highway, which was important in increasing freight traffic.
Stressing that the construction of the road, bridge and buildings was considered a noble cause by the Turkmen people, the Hero-Arkadag noted that a builder is a noble profession. The Hero-Arkadag also asked about the features of the equipment used there and about the difference between road construction and other construction work.
As the specialist noted, in road construction, special emphasis was placed on the efficiency and power of advanced equipment, the uninterrupted operation of which was an important condition, and on behalf of the road workers he expressed gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan and the Hero-Arkadag for the broad support of business initiatives in the country.
Noting that the highway of the future was being laid there, the Hero-Arkadag said road workers were making a worthy contribution to the restoration of the Great Silk Road in a modern format, and that road in the future would serve all humankind.
The construction of the highway of historical significance in our country is being carried out by entrepreneurs, which indicates the great trust placed on representatives of private business in Turkmenistan. There are unlimited opportunities for entrepreneurs. The Hero-Arkadag, addressing the builders, said it was important to talk about the work being done, and that our people were proud of them.
The road workers expressed gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag for his interest in their work and also asked the National Leader of the Turkmen people to take a photo with them.
The Hero-Arkadag took a memorable photo with the hardworking road workers.
Then, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, on behalf of the President of the country, presented memorable gifts to the builders.
The road workers expressed gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for being an example in every matter and creating ample opportunities for effective work.
The National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasised issues, related to the modernisation of the markings of the new highway and the establishment of the uninterrupted functioning of the traffic control system should be the focus of constant attention, and gave recommendations to the relevant officials in this regard.
After wishing the builders every success in their work, the Hero-Arkadag left the venue of the event.
The working trip of the Hero-Arkadag to the Mary velayat in order to familiarise himself with the activities, carried out there, and the shown interest in the living conditions of the region’s residents became another evidence that issues of ensuring the comprehensive harmonious development of the regions are in the centre of attention of the state.
