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News / The National Leader of the Turkmen People Attends the XV Int...

The National Leader of the Turkmen People Attends the XV International Economic Forum “Russia–Islamic World: Kazanforum 2024”

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as part of his working visit to the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, took part as a guest of honour in the XV International Economic Forum “Russia–Islamic World: KazanForum 2024” and also held a number of meetings.

The main goal of the Forum is to strengthen trade, economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural ties between the regions of Russia and the countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and to promote the development of institutions of the Islamic financial system in the Russian Federation. This year its key theme is “Trust and Cooperation”. Representatives of more than 80 states, including 40 OIC member countries, and 83 regions of Russia took part in the Forum.

During a walk at the residence of the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, the National Leader of the Turkmen people and Rais Rustam Minnikhanov exchanged views on the prospects for expanding the bilateral cooperation, built on the principles of mutual benefit, long-termism and rich positive experience of working together.

Then the joint motorcade of the Hero-Arkadag and Rais Rustam Minnikhanov arrived at Bashir Rameyev IT Park, a park of high technologies.

Another participation of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan as a distinguished guest in this representative event, which has established itself as an open international platform for identifying new prospects for mutually beneficial partnerships and implementing joint projects, was intended to be an important step towards strengthening the economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural cooperation of Turkmenistan both with the regions of the Russian Federation and with the OIC states.

Opening the meeting, the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan said the role of the Group had especially increased. It has become a supporting structure in relations between Russia and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and an instrument for strengthening friendship, mutual understanding and trust. In addition, the Group was a unique platform for interreligious dialogue at a global level, aimed at protecting traditional spiritual and moral values, Rais Rustam Minnikhanov said.

Then the floor was given to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Welcoming the participants of the meeting, the Hero-Arkadag expressed gratitude to the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan for the invitation to take part and speak at this important Forum.

Noting the great role of Rustam Minnikhanov in strengthening fraternal relations between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan and his many years of service in expanding economic, cultural, scientific, educational and sports ties with our country, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasised it was natural that the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan enjoyed great respect and authority among the entire Turkmen people.

“We see in him not just the leader of one of the most developed regions of Russia, with which our country has been developing mutually beneficial relations for many years, but also a faithful and devoted friend and a steady and comprehensive pragmatist of fraternal ties between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan as the most important factor in the successful expansion of the strategic partnership between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation,” the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty said, expressing great gratitude to the Head of Tatarstan for this.

At the same time, the outstanding contribution of Rais Rustam Minnikhanov to strengthening Russia’s dialogue with the Islamic world, building bridges of mutual understanding and cooperation and connecting long-term interests and goals was noted. As it was stressed, largely thanks to his activities and capability as a politician and diplomat to build respectful, trusting and open relationships with the leaders of many states, we could see significant progress in that direction. One of the results is the holding of this Forum and the wide and representative composition of its participants.

It is obvious that today Russia’s interaction with the Islamic world is on the rise. It was acquiring dynamics and consistency, covering new areas, having increasingly clear guidelines and a growing potential, the Hero-Arkadag continued, noting the regularity and objectivity of that process.

It is based on a deep historical context, centuries-old experience of geographical proximity, mutual cultural and spiritual penetration and enrichment and a similar understanding of the true values and moral principles inherent in the peoples of Russia and Islamic states.

Over the centuries, Russia and Muslim countries have created a civilisational belt that connected the East and the West from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. Unique forms of relationships, basically built on mutual respect, tolerance and recognition of each other’s interests, had been formed, the Hero-Arkadag said, stating that historical experience was again acquiring special significance and necessity.

In this context, Russia and Islamic countries demonstrate an example of how relations between states and peoples can and should be built – respectfully, equally, understanding the needs and needs of a partner, without resorting to pressure, threats, or the use of short-term benefits. He was convinced that was our strength, advantage and prospect, the National Leader of the Turkmen people said emphasising that approach was gaining more and more supporters throughout the world.

“At the same time, in addition to the principles mentioned, I believe that Russia and the Islamic world are called upon to show examples of effective and attractive economic and technological models of cooperation. Commitment to traditional values, peace and social justice, which serve as our moral core and support, must be combined with an introduction to modern trends, innovative implementations in the economy and everyday life,” the Hero-Arkadag said, expressing the conviction that there was a huge field for joint activities.

In this context, it was stated that the powerful technological, scientific and educational potential of Russia, combined with such undeniable advantages of many states of the Islamic world as a developed infrastructure, the presence of rich natural resources, a young and mobile population and other growth factors, creates conditions for implementing large-scale joint projects and building sustainable lines of industrial, energy and transport cooperation, scientific and educational exchanges, combined intellectual forces and advanced, breakthrough solutions.

“In general, I am convinced that, being open to partnership for the whole world, Russia and Islamic countries, combining their enormous capabilities, are capable of influencing global trends in the most serious and positive way – in politics, economy, morality and psychology, demonstrating that goodwill, peacefulness, respect and the desire for progress, without prejudice to identity, national dignity and historical experience, must remain the cornerstone in relations between states and peoples,” the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty continued. At the same time, the emphasis was placed on the fact that there was no alternative to that.

It was emphasised that Turkmenistan, as a responsible member of the world community and part of the Islamic world, saw its goal as promoting that approach by proposing concrete steps and actions.

At the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is known to have taken the initiative to develop a Global Security Strategy, an organic component of which would be the use of the potential of neutrality and preventive diplomacy.

Another important event is the unanimous adoption on March 21, 2024 by the General Assembly of the Resolution proposed by Turkmenistan with the co-authorship of 86 UN member states, to declare 2025 the International Year of Peace and Trust. In this regard, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, taking this opportunity, expressed gratitude to all countries and especially the co-author states, many of whose representatives were delegates to the Forum in Kazan, for their understanding and active participation in the development and approval of that document.

The Hero-Arkadag stressed, “I believe that Islamic countries can play a significant role in promoting peace and trust. Their voice must sound firmly and authoritatively with a clear call to do everything possible to de-escalate the situation in the world, to transfer conflicts into negotiations, to create conditions for respectful dialogue and to establish in international affairs not only a culture of communication, but also that of consensus.

Along with this, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed at the Forum to discuss the possibility of developing an “Islamic initiative for the sake of peace, mutual understanding and trust,” which Turkmenistan considers as a coordinated set of approaches and proposals, a kind of Roadmap based on the postulates of Islam as a religion of peace, goodness and justice and addressed to the peoples of the planet.

In this context, the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted the advisability of discussing this proposal with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and other interested international structures, working together on the text and putting it forward at one of the sessions of the UN General Assembly as an official document.

Continuing, the emphasis was placed on such an important point as the openness of the Islamic Initiative for all states to join it. At the same time, confidence was expressed that in that form it would find a response from all sensible and responsible parties in the world community, not only from politicians, but also from ordinary people. It will give a clear and powerful signal – the Islamic Ummah does not stand aside, but being consolidated and with the support of other states and peoples, it actively and constructively intends to influence the state of affairs in the world and to promote the achievement of agreement and compromise.

As it was noted, Islam was one of those strong and stable spiritual ties that had bound the multinational people of Russia and the peoples of Muslim states for centuries.

“The highest culture, moral strength and deep spirituality, reflected in the immortal works of poets, philosophers, thinkers and educators of Russia and Islamic countries, is our common heritage. We do not separate ourselves from the great Russian culture, literature, music and cinema, we know that they were fed, among other things, from the source of wisdom, knowledge and worldview of Islam and therefore belong equally to Russia and Muslim countries,” the Hero-Arkadag said.

This year, the 300th birth anniversary of the great classic of Turkmen literature and outstanding thinker of the East Magtymguly Pyragy is widely being celebrated in Turkmenistan and beyond. In Russia, in particular in Moscow, the Republic of Tatarstan, St. Petersburg, the Astrakhan region and many countries of the Islamic world, events to mark this anniversary are being held. As the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty noted, Turkmenistan highly valued such support and considered it not just as a tribute to the memory of the national genius, but also as a sign of respect for the Turkmen people and readiness to strengthen cultural and spiritual ties with our country.

“In this regard, I consider it necessary to express one more important, in my opinion, thought. I would like Magtymguly’s anniversary not to end along with the celebrations themselves,” the National Leader of the Turkmen people continued.

Let it become the starting point for the formation of a new stage of cultural, humanitarian, spiritual and scientific cooperation between Turkmenistan and Russia, the countries of the Islamic world, inspire our writers, publishers, scientists and researchers for joint projects on a wide range of historical, literary and philosophical topics and help the mutual creativity of young talents and the development of thematic programmes at educational institutions, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty emphasised.

As it was noted, that was a contribution to the future, which would provide our countries with one of the most important strategic prospects for cooperation, progress, mutual understanding and liking and would further strengthen the commonality of noble thoughts and aspirations of Russia and the Islamic world.

In conclusion, the National Leader of the Turkmen people thanked the meeting participants for their attention and wished good health and every success in their responsible activity to everyone and peace and prosperity to the fraternal people of Tatarstan.

The Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov once again noted the significant contribution of Rais Rustam Minnikhanov to the development of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the countries of the Islamic world, expressing gratitude for the efforts being made in this direction.

The speech of the Hero-Arkadag was heard with deep attention.

The reports of the meeting participants noted that KazanForum had been serving as a platform for dialogue, cooperation and mutual understanding in the Russia–Islamic World format for many years. As it was stated, that event, being held with great success for the fifteenth time, vividly demonstrated the significant progress achieved over the years in the development of interstate relations and, at the same time, mutual respect, trust and the desire for common prosperity.

Then Rais Rustam Minnikhanov outlined a number of global problems of the modern world, noting that the Russia–Islamic World Strategic Vision Group at its level was formed to help find answers to those questions. Particular emphasis was placed on the enormous potential for strengthening cooperation among the participating countries of that format in order to ensure the stability of the political system, to increase economic power and to preserve and develop cultural, spiritual and moral values.

At the end of the Forum, a meeting took place between the National Leader of the Turkmen people and the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev.

After warmly greeting the Hero-Arkadag, the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to meet with the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov within the framework of such a representative event. As it was stressed, the participation of the National Leader of the Turkmen people in the Forum was of great importance for the further deepening of the Russian-Turkmen cooperation, which had acquired new qualitative content in recent years.

Konstantin Kosachev placed special emphasis on the importance and relevance of the initiatives put forward that day by the Hero-Arkadag. It was noted that the practical implementation of constructive proposals was intended to give an effective impetus to long-term interstate relations within the Russia–Islamic World framework.

Thanking for the kind words, the National Leader of the Turkmen people noted our country considered that format of cooperation as a unique platform for building long-term partnerships with all interested states. In this context, Turkmenistan’s readiness to continue promoting the joint development of effective forms of interaction that were in demand over time was confirmed.

During the exchange of views on priority plans for cooperation, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation expressed firm confidence that the decisions made and agreements reached within the framework of the Forum would help strengthen productive relations between Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation and with the countries of the Islamic world.

Within the framework of the XV Russia–Islamic World International Economic Forum, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan also met with the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Grigory Karasin.

Expressing sincere gratitude for the opportunity to meet with the National Leader of the Turkmen people at such a large and important event, Grigory Karasin emphasised Russia highly valued its traditionally friendly relations with Turkmenistan and paid great attention to the development of the long-term cooperation.

The Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council also noted the importance of the official visit of the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty to the Russian Federation, which had resulted in the signing of an Agreement on the establishment of an Inter-Parliamentary Commission on Cooperation, which had become an important practical step towards strengthening fruitful ties between the legislative structures of the two friendly countries. At the same time, special emphasis was placed on the significant contribution of the Hero-Arkadag to the development of the Russian-Turkmen parliamentary relations.

At the same time, the enormous role of the National Leader of the Turkmen people in expanding partnership with the countries of the Islamic world, acquiring the character of mutually beneficial cooperation, was noted.

Thanking for the kind words, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed the development of a constructive dialogue with Russia and with the member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation was among the priority vectors of the foreign policy pursued by neutral Turkmenistan. Speaking about the significance of KazanForum 2024, in which the delegation of our country participated at the invitation of the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the Hero-Arkadag emphasised that Forum served as a successful and authoritative platform for establishing dialogue among representatives of different peoples, religions and cultures. In this context, confidence was expressed that positive interaction among the countries participating in the annual representative event would help ensure safe development in the conditions of a fair multipolar world order.

Then, in the Guest House under the Administration of the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan, a meeting was held between the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the State Councillor of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation Mintimer Shaimiev.

Warmly greeting each other, the interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to meet within the framework of the Anniversary XV Russia–Islamic World: KazanForum 2024 International Economic Forum. As it was emphasised, the Republic of Tatarstan was successfully developing in various directions and had become the venue for important international conferences, which was an indicator of its steadily growing authority throughout the world.

Taking this opportunity, the Hero-Arkadag wished the success of the Forum and all events within its framework, which were aimed at unlocking the potential of Russia’s interaction with the states of the Islamic world in trade, economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural fields.

Noting the importance of the participation of the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in the XV Russia–Islamic World: KazanForum 2024 International Economic Forum, the State Councillor of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation stressed the topicality and relevance of the proposals, put forward by the Hero-Arkadag, including the development of the Islamic Initiative for the sake of peace, mutual understanding and trust.

In this regard, Mintimer Shaimiev stated Tatarstan supported that proposal of Turkmenistan and considered it appropriate to put it forward at one of the sessions of the UN General Assembly as an official document. Russia’s readiness to continue supporting constructive initiatives of Turkmenistan, aimed at ensuring global peace and sustainable development at the regional and international levels, was also confirmed.

Continuing, the parties noted that for centuries, our peoples had maintained friendly ties based on common cultures, similarities in languages, a common religion, respect for each other and equality. The high level of trust and mutual understanding inherent in the relations between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan serves as a solid basis for the constructive development of the bilateral dialogue.

As it was stressed, mutual participation in national holidays and major international events held in Turkmenistan and Tatarstan had become a good tradition, which was a vivid example of strong friendship and good relations between our peoples.

Noting with satisfaction the effective nature of the bilateral cooperation in various areas, in particular in the oil and gas, shipbuilding and chemical industries and in the supply of aircraft and lorries, the interlocutors spoke in favour of the full use of all opportunities to unlock the existing great potential for the development of trade and economic relationships.

Particular emphasis was placed on the productivity of established partnerships in the cultural and humanitarian sphere. In this regard, it was noted that numerous Turkmen students received high-quality education at higher educational institutions of Tatarstan, and successful interaction was being established between universities of the two countries.

Continuing the meeting, the National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasised the modern achievements of Tatarstan in various directions were the result of the vision and foresight of the decisions made by Mintimer Shaimiev, who, as the State Councillor of the Republic of Tatarstan, tirelessly continued his selfless service to the people. Taking this opportunity, the Hero-Arkadag thanked Mintimer Shaimiev for his significant contribution to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan, an important component of the Turkmen-Russian strategic partnership.

At the end of the meeting, expressing confidence that the mutual enrichment of cultures, based on long-standing traditions of friendship, would continue contributing to the deepening of the bilateral relations and would serve as a solid foundation for further interaction, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan and the State Councillor of the Republic of Tatarstan exchanged best wishes to each other and two fraternal peoples.

Then the joint motorcade of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Rais of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation Rustam Minnikhanov proceeded to the Kazan EXPO International Exhibition Centre.

There, within the framework of the XV Russia–Islamic World: KazanForum 2024 International Economic Forum, an exhibition of Russia Halal Expo investment and infrastructure projects took place on an area of 30,000 square metres.

This exhibition served as an open platform for identifying priority areas of the interstate cooperation, forming its effective mechanisms with a view to the future and mutually beneficial exchange of experience in various fields and holding business meetings and negotiations.

The exhibition was attended by representatives of almost all sectors of the economy, including food production, health care, industry, fashion and beauty, tourism, information technology, finance and investments from different regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries, including Turkmenistan. Among the exhibits were initiatives of the Islamic economy, mutually beneficial technological alliances, projects and products of big and medium-sized businesses.

...Upon arrival in front of the main entrance, the Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Rais Rustam Minnikhanov were met by the director general of the Kazan EXPO International Exhibition Centre.

Our country’s participation in the representative show is intended to contribute not only to building up trade and economic partnerships with the largest regions of Russia and OIC member countries, but also to strengthening its position in the global halal market and attracting financial investments in the national economy.

Huge monitors showed videos demonstrating achievements in various sectors of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation and key areas of the partnership between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan in the context of the existing large trade, economic and investment potential, including the expansion of the bilateral trade turnover. Vivid examples of fruitful interaction were the participation in the implementation of joint projects of such leading companies as KAMAZ, Tatneft, KER-Holding and machine-building enterprises.

It should be noted that the comprehensive expansion of the constructive dialogue with the Russian Federation and its large regions and leading industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centres is one of the main vectors of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy, successfully pursued under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. A vivid confirmation of this is the productive relations with the Republic of Tatarstan, which are based on the accumulated solid experience of interaction and its diverse potential.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people and the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan acquainted themselves with original projects, modern technologies, equipment and materials for industrial, civil, road and housing construction and road construction and lifting equipment, presented by major Russian companies.

International companies, state corporations, leading banks and financial institutions also presented their stands at this large-scale show, which made the exhibition not only a site for demonstrating technological achievements, but also a platform for discussing investment opportunities and developing business connections.

Then, the Hero-Arkadag and the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan headed to the national pavilion of Turkmenistan, which allowed having a clear picture of the achievements and successes of our country in all key sectors of the economy, including the private sector and of the existing potential and opportunities for productive long-term interaction with foreign partners and the implementation of investment projects. All this was also reflected in videos that were shown on the monitors installed there.

Initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people and implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the ongoing comprehensive reforms are aimed at the innovative development of the Motherland, industrialisation, the radical modernisation of industry infrastructure and the introduction of advanced technologies. At the same time, great importance is attached to stimulating and supporting the private sector. The priority is the gradual formation of a highly efficient economy with modern market relations, the solution of the problems of import substitution, an increase in an export potential and digital transformation as one of the factors in achieving sustainable growth rates.

The Turkmenistan’s pavilion showcased products from leading sectors of the national economy, including the fuel and energy sector and the petrochemical industry producing high-quality petroleum products, polyethylene, polypropylene and other goods. A variety of light industry products, glass articles and various types of building materials were also presented there. The show provides an opportunity to evaluate achievements in textile and leather production and in the field of traditional crafts.

The digitalisation of the national economy contributes to the development of the domestic electronic industry. The sphere of digital technologies and software was represented by computer equipment, Wi-Fi routers, LED lamps, plastic cards and other products.

Famous Turkmen carpets occupied a special place in the exposition of our country. Being an artistic expression of the spiritual identity of our people and an integral part of its rich cultural heritage, items, created by the hands of talented Turkmen craftswomen, are highly valued and famous throughout the world for their perfect beauty and impeccable quality. The exhibits also included elegant silk carpets.

There, one could see how painstakingly hard work is used to create beautiful carpets that literally do not wear out. The women demonstrated the process of cutting a small carpet product, which was presented as a gift to the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan. Traditional carpet bags were presented to the guests of honour as a gift.

In recent years, domestic businessmen have been active in various sectors of the economy, expanding the production of goods and offering new ideas and solutions. As a result of fruitful activities, the competitiveness of high-quality products manufactured in the country increases, abundance is ensured in the domestic market, and the borders of foreign trade are expanded. Today, goods, labelled “Made in Turkmenistan”, are in great demand in world markets, helping increase the export potential of the Motherland.

A separate section of Turkmenistan’s exposition was devoted to the transport and logistics sector. Models of all modes of transport vehicles and the International Airport of the capital, the advanced infrastructure of which provides ample opportunities for air and multimodal cargo transportation on a regional and continental scale, were demonstrated there. Thanks to its advantageous geographic position and ongoing constructive foreign policy, our country is becoming the most important transport and transit hub in the region and is turning into a major international logistics centre.

Most of the national pavilion resembled a modern shopping complex, where there were grocery rows, stalls full of fresh vegetables and fruit, display cases with sausages and a variety of products from the domestic food industry.

This vivid picture of genuine food abundance in the country’s markets revealed the essence of economic reforms initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people and being successfully implemented in the modern era by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov,

which are aimed at ensuring the wellbeing of people and protecting their health. It is important to note that all products were packaged and decorated in accordance with the environmental and aesthetic requirements of international standards.

The multi-volume fundamental scientific work of the Hero-Arkadag, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medicine Gurbanguly

Berdimuhamedov Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan took a worthy place in the exhibition. On the pages of the book, there are dozens of types of local medicinal herbs, roots and fruits of plants, a detailed description of their medicinal properties, including endemics, and possibilities of use in scientific and folk medicine.

The herbal bar deserved special attention, where one could taste aromatic tea brewed from medicinal plants of the Turkmen land.

As part of the Russia Halal Expo Exhibition, meetings were held during which Turkmen specialists made presentations on the investment potential of various sectors of the national economy.

Representatives of business circles from different countries of the world had the opportunity to receive information on a particular industry, to discuss partnership plans and to exchange opinions and proposals regarding new forms of interaction.

When acquainting with the national pavilion of our country, the Hero-Arkadag and the Head of the Republic of Tatarstan highly appreciated the level of its organisation, noting the impressive potential for further building up and diversifying cooperation of Turkmenistan with Russia and the countries of the Islamic world.

Then the National Leader of the Turkmen people and the Head of Tatarstan proceeded together to Gabdulla Tukay International Airport.

Expressing deep satisfaction with the results of the negotiations held the day before, the Hero-Arkadag and Rais Rustam Minnikhanov confirmed the continued commitment of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation to friendly relations and the mutual intention of the parties to develop full-scale cooperation on a mutually beneficial and equal basis.

Once again thanking the Head of Tatarstan for the warm welcome and hospitality provided, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty warmly said goodbye to him and boarded the plane waiting for him, by which he departed for his Motherland.

Upon arriving in Ashgabat, the airliner of the National Leader of the Turkmen people landed at the International Airport of the capital, where the Hero-Arkadag was met by officials.

* * *

As part of the working visit of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, members of the delegation of Turkmenistan held a number of meetings, during which the possibilities of expanding multifaceted interaction were discussed.

As it was stressed, it was more important than ever to take advantage of the favourable geographical location of both countries, through which trade routes from Asia to Europe lie. Turkmenistan and Russia attach special importance to the development of the railway, automobile and aviation sectors and the improvement of the specialised infrastructure. The measures taken in this direction open up great opportunities for expanding transport and transit routes and increasing the volume of freight and passenger transportation.

The initiatives, put forward by Turkmenistan on the side-lines of various forums, meet the realities of the time and are aimed at strengthening and expanding trade and economic partnerships, including those with the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, one of which is the Republic of Tatarstan.

Issues of urban management were discussed during a meeting of the Turkmen delegation with the head of the executive committee of the Kazan City Hall.

Prospects for the development of the digital system were the main topic of the meeting in the Technopark in the field of high technologies. The Turkmen party informed of the implemented projects and large-scale measures taken in the country in that area, including the introduction of such a system in the city of Arkadag.

There was also a meeting with the Mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan.

As it was noted, the fraternal peoples of Turkmenistan and Tatarstan were connected by a historically established community of cultures and spiritual values, which were acquiring a worthy continuation and new content.

Members of the Turkmen delegation also met with the mayor of the city of Innopolis, during which the importance of exchanging experience in the field of urban planning was noted and the possibilities of implementing joint projects were considered.

During the meeting at the Kazan National Research Technological University, it was emphasised that cooperation in science and education was a priority area of the relations between Turkmenistan and Tatarstan.

A large number of Turkmen students are studying at higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan, which allows them to receive modern knowledge and to make a worthy contribution to the development of Turkmenistan.

Students from Turkmenistan, studying at this university, expressed sincere gratitude to the Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar for the opportunity to receive modern education at leading foreign universities.
