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News / The Power of Turkmenistan’s Construction Industry is Strengt...

The Power of Turkmenistan’s Construction Industry is Strengthening

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov Attends the Opening of the Second Stage of the Lebap Cement Plant
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the Lebap velayat, where he took part in the festive ceremony of the commissioning of the second stage of the Lebap cement plant with a capacity of 1 million tonnes of cement a year in the Koytendag etrap.
The industrial sector, in particular the production of building materials, is known to play a key role in the successful implementation of the adopted programmes of the socioeconomic development of sovereign Turkmenistan, developed on the initiative of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Hero-Arkadag and now being successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.
Having set a course for industrialisation and import substitution, our state is taking consistent steps in this direction, paying special attention to the construction of modern enterprises equipped with innovative technologies, the steady increase in production capacity and the ensuring of the high quality and competitiveness of construction products manufactured using local raw materials.
In accordance with the instructions of the head of state, geological prospecting is being actively carried out to discover new promising mineral deposits, the results of which directly serve to increase the potential of the industrial complex and to raise the volume of production of building materials and other goods that are in great demand both in the country and abroad.
A striking example of the effective use of the rich resources of the Turkmen land was the established production of cement.
Indicative in this regard is the Lebap cement plant, opened in February 2013 with the participation of Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
Large-scale production, along with the creation of new jobs, directly contributed to the dynamic socioeconomic development of not only the region, but also the state as a whole.
All these years, the enterprise, located 350 kilometres from the administrative centre of the Lebap velayat – the city of Turkmenabat, has been producing the most popular grades of cement of higher durability.
By supplying high-quality products, the cement plant thereby ensures the high pace of construction ongoing in Turkmenistan, which is at an unprecedented level in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State.
It should be noted that huge investments in the construction sector, a favourable investment climate, created in the country, and effective measures of state support for the domestic entrepreneurship have determined the success of urban planning policy, within the framework of which hundreds of industrial and social facilities are built and reconstructed in the capital and regions every year.

This grandiose work, which turned Turkmenistan into a huge construction site, is a vivid evidence of the creative and socially oriented policy aimed at ensuring a prosperous and happy life for the people of Turkmenistan and forming the necessary infrastructure, meeting international standards, in cities and villages.
This year, passing under the motto “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy”, is marked by the commissioning of another important industrial infrastructure facility – the second stage of the Lebap cement plant with a capacity of 1 million tonnes of cement a year, built by order of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan.
In the morning, the plane of the head of state landed at Kerki International Airport, where the President of the country was warmly greeted. Then Arkadagly Hero Serdar flew in a helicopter towards the industrial giant.
After some time, the helicopter landed on the site near the first stage of the country’s largest cement plant, from where the President of Turkmenistan drove by car to the nearby venue for the celebration to mark the commissioning of the new modern production facility.
For this significant event for the entire region and country, representatives of the Halk Maslahaty, Chairwoman of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of ministries, departments and the Lebap velayat and representatives of the media and the public gathered there.
Everyone greeted President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with great enthusiasm and sincere joy.
Incendiary performances by masters of art added bright colours to the festive atmosphere that reigned there.
The head of state entered the hall specially designed for the ceremony.
Speaking to numerous participants in the celebration, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised the opening of the second stage of the Lebap cement plant, located in the Koytendag etrap, was taking place on the successful days of the year “Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy”.
“Modern residential buildings, constructed in the city of Turkmenabat, will also be put into operation in a solemn atmosphere. About 200 new modern passenger buses will be donated to residents of the Lebap velayat to provide high-quality services to the population,” the Head of Turkmenistan said, cordially congratulating everyone present on those joyful events.
Arkadagly Hero Serdar proudly stated great and large-scale projects, aimed at increasing the economic potential of the Motherland and further improving the wellbeing of the population, were being successfully implemented.
The grandiose construction, carried out in our sovereign state, is aimed at ensuring a prosperous and happy life for our people. Modern social facilities, powerful industrial enterprises, new villages and cities have been built in all regions of the country. The first phase of the city of Arkadag, the first “smart” city in our country, has been commissioned.

As it was stressed, the buildings and facilities being commissioned are designed to contribute to the consistent development of the national economy, the industrialisation of the country and the harmonious transformation of the regions.
Currently, on the basis of the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052” and the Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022–2028, large-scale work is being carried out to develop sectors of the national economy, including industry and construction production.
The construction sector supplies construction sites and the population of the country with the necessary high-quality building materials, in particular cement.
The Baherden, Balkan and Lebap cement plants, built and put into operation in the country during the years of independence, manufacture high-quality products, based on new innovative technologies, which fully comply with international standards.
Currently, cement products under the “Made in Turkmenistan” brand are in great demand not only in the domestic but also in the world markets.
As it was noted in the speech, special importance was attached to the effective development of investments directed by our state to the development of the domestic construction industry and increase in the production capacity of enterprises.
“New industrial facilities are being built, being equipped with innovative technologies and manufacturing products based on local raw materials that meet international standards and are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets,” President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised, noting that a vivid evidence of that was the modern enterprise being opened that day.
The construction of the new facility was carried out by order of the Ministry of Industry and Construction Production by the Türkmen Enjam Economic Society, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.
“The enterprise has installed modern equipment from leading countries of the world, which will optimise the production process and manufacture products that are in great demand,” the head of state continued.
The complex, which includes 38 buildings and facilities, is capable of producing one million tonnes of high-quality cement products a year that meet international standards, including sulphate-resistant cement. During the implementation of the second stage of the Lebap cement plant, all production and living conditions for work and rest of about 250 workers were provided.
In his speech, Arkadagly Hero Serdar stated with satisfaction that, in accordance with the adopted Programmes, the consistent dynamics of the development of industrial sectors and construction production is ensured.
Thus, in the year “Fount of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy” in the Baherden etrap of the Ahal velayat, it is planned to commission another new facility – the second stage of the Baherden cement plant, equipped with modern innovative technologies, which will also produce one million tonnes of high-quality cement products a year.
“I am firmly convinced that the industrialists of our independent neutral Motherland will continue to work selflessly in the future to transform the country into a developed state and to uninterruptedly supply construction sites and the population with high-quality construction products, making a worthy contribution to strengthening the potential of the national economy,” President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said in conclusion.
Once again, sincerely congratulating the participants of the celebration, all workers of industry and construction production and the population of the Lebap velayat on the commissioning of the important facility, the opening of modern residential buildings in the city of Turkmenabat and new passenger buses, the head of state wished everyone good health, prosperous and happy life and every success in work.
Then the floor was given to a representative of Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH – chief equipment installation inspector Mate Resetar.
Warmly congratulating those gathered on the significant event – the commissioning of the second stage of the Lebap cement plant in the Koytendag etrap, the speaker emphasised it was a great honour for him and his colleagues to take part in the implementation of that high-tech project.
“Together with our partners from Turkmenistan, we have worked very hard to ensure that the plant has become an important part of the industry of your country, and I am glad to see today the impressive results of our joint efforts,” Mate Resetar said.
As it was stressed, the Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH Company, which develops advanced technological solutions to assigned tasks through know-how and innovative technologies, expressed great interest in establishing long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with Turkmenistan and showed its full readiness to contribute to the further successful development of the Turkmen economy.
It was noted that the installed equipment and engineering work carried out by Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH as part of the construction project for the second stage of the Lebap cement plant fully complied with international standards, namely: German industrial standards – DIN, cement industry standards, IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards and ISO standards.
In this regard, the representative of Thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH presented the corresponding certificate to the Minister of Industry and Construction Production of Turkmenistan.
Then, the ceremony participants were shown a specially made video about the second stage of the Lebap cement plant, located in one of the amazing and picturesque places of the rich Turkmen land.
Built and put into operation by the Türkmen Enjam Economic Society next to the first Lebap cement plant, the industrial giant combines the achievements of modern industrial production.
At the new plant, designed to produce one million tonnes of cement a year, advanced equipment that meets international standards from the world's leading manufacturers has been installed.
The main criteria for the implementation of this project were ensuring the full automation of all production processes and creating comfortable conditions for highly productive work of plant workers.
Particular attention was paid to the environmental friendliness of production and compliance with all necessary standards, since environment protection is one of the important and mandatory conditions for the construction of large industrial facilities in Turkmenistan.
According to calculations, the amount of harmful substances released during the production process is significantly less than the permissible concentrations. Powerful filters are used to capture and purify dust released into the air.
Taking into account the tasks of maximising the available potential and effectively using the richest reserves of mineral resources of our native land, the plant was built in a region that has large resources of the main types of raw materials necessary for production and is located in close proximity to the places of their extraction.
This determining factor will ensure the uninterrupted operation of the plant and will reduce the cost of manufactured products, which are highly durable and reliable.
To monitor the production process and product quality, a laboratory and a technical control department have been established at the new plant. In addition, it will also have its own repair shop.

All this allows being confident that the second stage of the Lebap cement plant will provide highly productive, economically viable and environmentally friendly production of an important building material, without which not a single construction project in the country can be completed.
At the end of the official part of the ceremony, the President of Turkmenistan left the meeting room and, in a solemn atmosphere, cut the symbolic ribbon to the applause of those gathered. At this moment, colourful balloons flew into the sky.
Then the head of state went to the administration building.
Along the route, Arkadagly Hero Serdar inspected the territory of the plant and heard information on the functional purpose of the facilities erected there.
The Head of Turkmenistan also acquainted himself with interest at the open-air exhibition of various products manufactured by enterprises of the domestic construction and industrial complex.
The President of the country inspected the pavilion of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan.
The energy industry is known to play an important role in the successful implementation of tasks, including the accelerated industrialisation of the national economy. As a result of large-scale transformations, ultra-modern power plants have been built in all regions of the country, generating capacity has grown many times, and new power transmission lines have been modernised and laid.
Today, under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, effective measures are being taken to radically modernise and strengthen the material and technical base of the industry and to create new energy systems that provide multiple reserves of power, taking into account the dynamic development of the capital and velayats.
It should be noted that, through implementing big projects of regional and international importance in the energy sector, Turkmenistan demonstrates a highly responsible approach to environmental issues. That is why the main goal is the active introduction of resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies.
Thus, in order to ensure a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity to modern villages and industrial complexes being built, innovative electricity production projects are being developed, in particular, using alternative regenerative sources – the sun and wind.
Much attention is also paid to the domestic chemical industry, the development strategy of which is aimed at maximising the use of local resources and producing high-quality goods that are in great demand in the country and abroad.
Thus, the Türkmenhimiýa State Concern presented at an impromptu exhibition various plastic pipes, urea, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, ECO-93 gasoline, salt and other goods produced by industry enterprises.
Characteristic of the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, large-scale construction, deployed throughout the country as part of the implementation of comprehensive socioeconomic programmes, led to an increasing demand for high-quality building materials, giving an impetus to the accelerated development of their production based on local raw materials.
Today, domestic enterprises have established the manufacture of a wide range of import-substituting and export-oriented products that meet international quality standards and are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets.
The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production, in turn, demonstrated cement, reinforcement, expanded clay, gravel, kaolin and other products.
In accordance with the requirements imposed in Turkmenistan, only high-quality materials are used in the construction and finishing of objects under construction. When selecting them, the climatic conditions of our region, compliance with environmental standards, durability and ease of use must be taken into account.
It is noteworthy that all the buildings currently being erected organically combine the best traditions of the national architecture and modern trends in global urban planning, indicating that the domestic construction industry is keeping up with the times. This was vividly illustrated by the models demonstrated by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.
There is also increasing interest in facilities whose construction requires special engineering and technical solutions and the use of the latest technologies, including highways, bridges, overpasses, underground passages and multi-level interchanges on major highways.
In order to increase the efficiency of work, carried out in this area, and to further improve the field of road construction, the State Agency for Highway Construction Management was established in February 2022, the activities of which have already received many diplomas, certificates and other awards. The products of the industry took a worthy place at the exhibition, becoming evidence of the large-scale work being carried out throughout the country.
Thus, the presented exposition demonstrated how successfully and comprehensively the tasks, associated with the modernisation of the construction and industrial sector, which plays a decisive role in the accelerated development of the national economy, are being solved.
Within the framework of the adopted state programmes, in particular, the Programme “Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State: The National Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052”, the Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of the Country in 2022–2028, and in accordance with the Plan of work and activities in the main areas of activities of the Halk Maslahaty, approved at the recent meeting of the Presidium of the Halk Maslahaty and scheduled for implementation this year together with the Mejlis of the country, ministries, sectoral departments and public associations with the aim of implementing the Programme of the Socioeconomic Development of Turkmenistan and Investments in 2024, large-scale work is underway to develop sectors of the national economy, new enterprises, fitted with modern equipment, are being built, and the capacity of existing ones is increasing.
Along with the construction of new facilities provided for in these Programmes, special importance is attached to the implementation of the second stage of the “smart” city of Arkadag and Ashgabat City, during the construction of which the high-durability cement produced there and other high-quality building materials produced in the country will be widely used. Many of them were presented at the exhibition.
Upon entering the administrative building, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov went up to the first floor, where the central production control centre is located, and from where the entire technological process is regulated.
After expressing deep gratitude on behalf of all industrial and construction workers to the President of Turkmenistan and the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag for their constant attention to the development of the industry and care for its workers, a plant specialist appealed to the head of state with a request to bless the commissioning of the second stage of the Lebap cement plant.
The culmination came – by pressing a button on the control panel, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov started the operation of the large industrial facility.
An animated video clearly demonstrated the technological process of launching the complex production.
Leaving the building, the head of state handed the director of the cement plant the keys to new powerful special equipment built there, on the site, which will be used in production.

The commissioning of the second stage of the Lebap plant will certainly make a significant contribution to the development of the country’s domestic industrial and construction complex and will provide additional incentives for increasing the pace of construction successfully carried out in the eastern region and in the country as a whole as part of the large-scale reforms launched by the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and now successfully continued by Arkadagly Hero Serdar.
At the end of the celebration, the President of Turkmenistan warmly said goodbye to the ceremony participants and left the event venue.
On the same day, the head of state returned to Ashgabat.
* * *
To mark the commissioning of the second stage of the Lebap cement plant, a sadaqah agzaçar was given, and prayers were read for sending the prosperity to the Turkmen land, the wellbeing to the people and health and every success in all endeavours to the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly
Berdimuhamedov and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.
May the Almighty accept prayers read! May every day of the blessed month of Oraza be full of good thoughts and good deeds! May peace, unity and tranquillity always reign in our independent Motherland! Kabul bolsun!
