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News / The President of Turkmenistan Attends the Flower-Laying Cere...

The President of Turkmenistan Attends the Flower-Laying Ceremony at the Neutrality Monument

On December 12, the Turkmen people celebrate the International Day of Neutrality and the 28th anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the Resolution on the permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan. This glorious holiday symbolises peace, stability, good neighbourly relations with all states, based on the principles of mutual respect and equal cooperation, and the indestructible unity of the nation.
Early in the morning, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in a solemn ceremony of laying flowers at the Monument of Neutrality – a majestic memorial complex symbolising the Motherland’s unwavering commitment to the ideals of peace, creation and goodness.
On December 12, 1995, by decision of the United Nations General Assembly, Turkmenistan was recognised as a permanently neutral state. All 185 UN member states voted unanimously for the Resolution “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan”. And therefore, this significant event will forever remain a source of special pride for all Turkmen people.
Today we can confidently state that thanks to its neutral status, our country, initially committed to the principles of humanism and true democracy, is successfully solving strategic problems of social and economic importance. An example of this is the high dynamics of growth in all spheres, which allowed our state to gain high prestige in the world.
The creative initiatives started by Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are now successfully being implemented by Arkadagly Hero Serdar and are widely supported by the world community, serving as a reliable platform for productive international interaction.
In this regard, it should be noted the exceptional importance of the constructive proposals voiced by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. These include the ensuring of peace and security on the planet, the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the expansion of international cooperation in such areas as energy, transport, ecology and climate change and the humanitarian sphere.
In accordance with the Conception of the foreign policy of neutral Turkmenistan for 2022–2028, great attention is paid to strengthening fruitful ties with various countries of the world and with the UN, EU, CIS, SCO, OSCE, Non-Aligned Movement, OIC and other authoritative structures. Interaction with the representative offices of specialised institutions of the Community of Nations located in Turkmenistan – the Development Programme, UNESCO, Population Fund, Children’s Fund, World Health Organisation and others – is being enriched with qualitatively new content.
It should also be noted that during the regular meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), our country was unanimously elected to the Commission on Population and Development for the period 2024–2028.
This is further evidence of the recognition in the world of the domestic and foreign policies of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the growing authority of Turkmenistan on the world stage and its great contribution to the development of international relations and the expansion of regional and global cooperation.
In the light of modern realities, the significant role of Turkmen neutrality and the demand for its potential are once again being confirmed. A vivid example of this is the activities of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development, which today includes more than twenty states. Among them are the co-author countries of the United Nations General Assembly Resolutions “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” of 1995 and 2015, “International Day of Neutrality” of 2017 and “The Role and Importance of a Policy of Neutrality in Maintaining and Strengthening International Peace, Security and Sustainable Development” of 2020.
Regular meetings within the framework of this multilateral dialogue are intended to contribute to the development of a sustainable political and diplomatic mechanism for promoting the principles of neutralism in international relations and strengthening fruitful cooperation in the interests of universal wellbeing.

Thus, on December 11 of this year in the Turkmen capital, a high-level meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development was held in a hybrid format, during which the role of our country in expanding constructive international dialogue and effectively applying tools for strengthening peace and security on the planet was highly evaluated.
In general, steadily realising its neutral status, which is the cornerstone of its foreign policy, our state is increasingly involved in global processes, making a significant contribution to international interaction for the sake of peace, concord and the establishment of the highest ideals of humanity.
In the Congratulatory Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the people of independent and neutral Turkmenistan, it is noted that the status of permanent neutrality of our country, twice recognised by the United Nations, is a great value of our people. Peaceful life on Earth is conditioned by friendship among peoples, humanism, mutually beneficial cooperation and progress. Strictly following the fundamental ideals of our positive neutrality, recognised by the world community and enshrined in the Basic Law of Turkmenistan, we systematically develop cooperation with all interested countries and authoritative international organisations.
In accordance with our policy, reflected in the mottos “The state is for the people!” and “The state is a state only with the people!”, systematic work is being carried out to comprehensively develop the country, to improve the living conditions of the people and to increase the global authority of our neutral Motherland. Using advanced technologies, international transport corridors are being formed, high-speed highways, large industrial enterprises, social facilities, modern residential buildings and new cities and villages are being built, the head of state emphasises in his Address.
...Our compatriots, guests and representatives of foreign delegations, who had arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the international conference “Dialogue – a Guarantee of Peace” and in a high-level meeting of the Group of Friends of Neutrality for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development, gathered in the square in front of the Monument to Neutrality.
The presidential car arrived at the festively decorated square in front of the Neutrality Monument. Everyone greeted the Head of Turkmenistan with great enthusiasm.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov laid a wreath at the foot of the Neutrality Monument, which symbolises the triumph of the high fundamental principles of the Turkmen people – peace, good morals and humanism.
Following the head of state, other participants in the celebration laid wreaths and bouquets of flowers.
The unique legal status, fully consistent with the primordial traditions and national mentality, has opened up wide opportunities for the consistent implementation of the peaceful foreign-policy course of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the interests of not only our people, but also all humankind.
At the end of the ceremony, the Head of Turkmenistan warmly said goodbye to its participants and left the venue.
...National celebrations to mark the International Day of Neutrality took place in all cities and villages of the country with a series of bright concert programmes and cultural and sporting events.
