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News / President of Turkmenistan Inspects the Progress of Construct...

President of Turkmenistan Inspects the Progress of Construction Work in Ashgabat and Arkadag City

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov flew by helicopter to inspect the progress of work being done in the capital and its suburbs. The President was accompanied by the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of the industrial and construction sectors B. Annamammedov.
The President flew above the construction sites in Ashgabat and Arkadag City and inspected the progress of reforms aimed at boosting the socioeconomic development of the capital city. In this context, special importance is attached to ensuring the prosperous life of people, including the construction of residential buildings with modern conveniences.
Along with the construction of residential buildings in the capital city, the construction and improvement of road and transport infrastructure facilities are of particular importance. Modern roads and parks that promote environmental wellbeing contribute to the beauty of our capital.
The residential buildings with improved layouts were built in the Gurtly and Köşi housing estates in the west of Ashgabat. In those housing estates, much attention was paid to the construction of social facilities. From above, the scale of construction work taking place in that part of the city can be seen clearly.
Currently, every effort is being made to ensure the high quality of construction work being done in different regions of the country and in the capital. These issues and compliance with construction schedules are under continuous control.
The Presidential helicopter headed for the western district of Ashgabat. During the flight, the President inspected the pace of construction of facilities and residential areas, meeting modern requirements, on the territory of the Byuzmeyin etrap. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the importance of ensuring the high quality of the ongoing work.
These facilities comply with environmental standards and are being built using scientific advances and best practices. All this determines the fulfilment of the requirements set by the President to the realisation of construction projects.
Then the helicopter made a turn over Arkadag City, built on the initiative and thanks to the efforts of the Hero-Arkadag. The second construction stage in the new city has been launched. This vividly testifies to the national importance of tasks of developing urban and rural areas and creating new jobs.
Under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, our country is successfully implementing the long-term large-scale programmes aimed at strengthening the constructive foundations of statehood, enhancing economic strength, improving the people’s wellbeing and achieving high frontiers of development of the Motherland.
As it is known, in order to further develop the urban economy of the city of Arkadag and to create optimal conditions in the sphere of its organisation and management, taking into account the statement of the city hyakimlik and in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On the Procedure for Resolving Issues of the Administrative and Territorial Division of Turkmenistan”, a Resolution on the expansion of the territory of the new city was adopted.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that necessary measures should be taken to complete the tasks set forth in the document and instructed the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers to carry out the necessary work jointly with the relevant organisations.

On the way to the capital, the President could see the Nisa fortress that used to be the centre of the Parthian state and a witness to the great past of the Turkmen nation. Restoration activities are conducted on the site on a regular basis, which is of particular importance in preserving information about the powerful states, founded by the Turkmen people throughout history, for future generations.
As a result of the successful implementation of large-scale innovative projects, an integrated and thoughtful approach to solving tasks set in the healthcare sector, a large complex of specialised facilities was created in the capital. Caring for human health, declared the highest value, is one of the priority areas of the state policy.
The helicopter made a turn over the Centre of Stomatology, the construction of which is currently underway at a high pace. The new building, which will replenish the list of facilities of the national healthcare system, is being built using the principles of national architecture and modern best practices.
Flying over the park area in the city centre and the facilities located on its territory, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered them be kept clean and neat. Along with creating favourable living conditions, great importance is attached to the recreation of citizens in our country. The park offers residents and guests of the city, especially the younger generation, all the conditions for leisure activities and interesting pastimes.
Today, there are several international healthcare institutions, supplied with modern equipment, in the capital. The construction of such facilities is a state policy priority, as evidenced by the construction of the International Centre of Paediatrics in the south of Ashgabat.
The expansion of urban social infrastructure, including by increasing the number of healthcare facilities, is a priority task, as illustrated by the construction of the International Health and Rehabilitation Centre in the city centre. The accelerated implementation of the work plan allows stating that the new facility will join the series of new architectural structures.
Then the helicopter headed for the construction site of the International Clinical Research Centre of Physiology.
Today, in accordance with the President’s instructions, comprehensive measures are being taken to modernise the material and technical base of facilities in the capital city.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov inspected the progress of construction work in the north of the city, in particular, the International Clinical Research Centre of Oncology in the Çoganly residential area. The scale and dynamics of construction work demonstrate the success of the state policy aimed at protecting the health of every citizen.
In this context, it should be noted that the country pays great attention to the construction of new specialised institutions of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry, the reconstruction of existing ones and the improvement of the adjacent territories.
Solving problems in the fields of using innovative technologies, creating a coherent and comfortable environment for people to live and work productively and providing comprehensive education of the younger generation is the main factor in the full-scale implementation of the capital’s urban planning programme.
The main goal of the programme reforms, taking place in the white-marble city of Ashgabat, is to ensure a prosperous life of citizens. In its turn, this demonstrates the unceasing concern for the integrated and harmonious development of the younger generation.
While inspecting the progress of work in the city, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised the importance of the level of education and professional training of young employees, the future of our Motherland, involved in that work.
In this context, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported that, in accordance with the instructions, it was planned to build a new Güneşli Palace of Childhood and Youth.
Noting the importance of taking a responsible approach to the implementation of the work plan, the President chose the location of the new facility and ordered an international tender be announced.
The Palace that will be built in an eco-friendly environment in one of the picturesque parts of Ashgabat will add bright colours to the life of the younger generation.
The President noted that Turkmenistan is a widely recognised land of happy childhood, and therefore an integrated and comprehensively approach needs to be taken to providing high-quality education to youth, involving them to research activities and stimulating their creative thinking and diligence.
At the new centre, various thematic circles for teaching professional skills would operate, which required the creation of appropriate conditions meeting modern demands, which should also be taken into account when designing and constructing the facility, the head of state said, stressing that the level of education and qualifications and diligence of the younger generation – creators of the bright future of the Motherland – directly depended on that.
That is why the facility should be built using advanced practices and science advances. Emphasising that priority attention should be paid to equipping the Palace, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov gave specific instructions to the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers.
Focusing on the important role of the designated tasks in fostering work and creative skills in young people, the President noted the need to set up clubs and hobby circles at specialised institutions, essential for bringing up a comprehensively developed personality.
Today, our white-marble Ashgabat is growing at an accelerated pace; social facilities, including comfortable residential buildings, are being constructed in the city. The construction of residential buildings in the Parahat residential area is gaining momentum. At the same time, targeted measures are being taken to maintain environmental wellbeing in the capital, which in turn creates an optimal living environment for citizens.
In this context, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported to the President on the ongoing work in the Parahat residential area, on the progress of the implementation of the programmes, aimed at improving the standard of living of the people, and construction projects in that part of Ashgabat.
Commenting on the report on the progress of the implementation of programme reforms in the capital city of the country, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasised the need to continue building social facilities, which was another evidence of the successful implementation of the policy based on the principle “The state is for the people!”
Social facilities and residential buildings with modern conveniences, being built in residential areas throughout the capital, are a wonderful gift for residents of Ashgabat, illustrating the priority of the social component of the urban planning strategy.
The Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamammedov assured all measures would be taken to ensure the timely and proper completion of construction work and measures planned and the effective monitoring and coordination of the activities of institutions and organisations involved.
In conclusion, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished every success in fulfilling the designated tasks.
